
Apr 7, 2009

WorkXPlore 3D, Sescoi’s high speed 3D viewer, wins top trophy in France

Sescoi, international developer and vendor of automatic manufacturing software solutions best known for its automatic CAM/CAD system WorkNC, is pleased to announce that it is the first company to receive the “Application Innovation Trophy” for its high speed 3D viewer, WorkXPlore-3D.

This trophy was a top prize in the new “Software Excellence” competition organised by international market intelligence group IDC, and a well-known French IT partnership development agency, with sponsors including IBM and Orange.

Six finalists, selected from over fifty applicants, outlined the innovative nature and benefits of their software in a 2-minute web video and, in addition to judging by a panel of experts, the business community was able to vote for the winning solution via internet.

Whilst there are already 3D viewers on the market, WorkXPlore 3D is innovative in the high speed and reliability with which it opens large 2D and 3D files, as well as the wealth of advanced yet easy to use application-specific functionalities it includes. With its intuitive interface and its own lightweight format, users can easily share CAD analysis data with colleagues, customers and suppliers via email.

Sescoi was able to illustrate to the competition judges, support by a customer case study, that companies using WorkXPlore 3D can achieve time savings of between 40 and 70%.

Catherine Marko, Director of Sescoi France, stated, “With WorkXPlore 3D, companies no longer need to acquire and run multiple CAD systems and those already using 3D viewers should certainly reassess their current software. WorkXPlore 3D offers significant advantages over 3D viewers currently on the market, as this prestigious “Innovation Trophy” acknowledges. We are delighted that the jury and the online voters have given WorkXPlore 3D the recognition it deserves”.

This is the second prize that WorkXPlore 3D has been awarded in France, as last year it also picked up the prestigious “Productivity Prize” from the annual ‘Industrie’ trade show.