
Jan 29, 2009

ESPRIT Mold v10 selected as preferred software by POLKAR

ESPRIT® Mold v10, the latest release of mold software offered by DP Technology, an innovator in the computer-aided-manufacturing market, has been selected as a preferred software by POLKAR Polyester Ürünleri San. ve Tic. A:Ş., an international manufacturer of fiber-reinforced polyester for the automotive sector.

Chosen specifically for its 5-axis machining capabilities, ease of use and full range of high-performance capabilities, ESPRIT Mold proved to be an ideal fit for POLKAR, which was having difficulty producing accurate code for its routing machine tool.

"POLKAR is now using ESPRIT 5-axis to make undercuts, in addition to using smaller tool lengths to cut deep cavities," said Özgür Yengeç, POLKAR's technical chief. "We are easily using 5-axis continuous machining with high performance, and we are happy with ESPRIT's ability to easily create curves and toolpaths of perfect quality — which we couldn't do with our old system."

Yengeç also noted that ESPRIT Mold takes stock into account "even when you tilt the axis to create 3-axis strategies without any limitations. It's beneficial to have software that is easy to use, reliable, powerful and accurate."

With ESPRIT Mold, POLKAR was able to complete work on the router's main frame in half of the original time.

"In no time, we produced our first accurate NC code and sent it to the router," said Emre Köklü, CAM product manager for POLKAR. "With that code, we were able to produce finished POLKAR products."

Delcam CRISPIN launches new software for orthotics design and manufacture

Delcam CRISPIN has launched a new version of its software for the design and manufacture of orthotic insoles. The most obvious change has been the division of the software into two programs – OrthoModel and OrthoMill for design and manufacture, respectively. A number of new functions have also been added in response to requests from the various orthotics companies that are supporting the development of the system.

The division of the software into two programs has increased the purchasing flexibility for customers; giving both practitioners and laboratories the option to choose the combination of software which best suits their needs.

The combined programs provide a complete solution for the production of high-quality insoles for both the comfort and medical markets. The entire process is driven by a series of easy-to-use menus, which incorporate the terminology used by the industry to describe the various features of the orthotic. This makes it easy for medical and footwear professionals to use, even those having no previous CADCAM experience.

The main addition to the program is a new method for creating “foot-positive” models. This allows patterns to be designed directly from scan data taken from the patient’s foot to create foot orthotics in a variety of materials, including carbon fibre.

A new “cast-dressing” option allows the user to apply corrections directly on the scan of a patient’s foot when designing orthotics. This process duplicates on the computer the modifications made to the cast by adding or subtracting plaster using the traditional methods. In a related development, the scan and the orthotic can now be overlaid and viewed together, so that the extent of the changes can be seen easily.

Improvements to existing options include enhancements to the functions for alignment of the scan to give more precise accuracy of measurement. Dynamic editing methods, with immediate on-screen feedback, have been added for heel expansion and for raising or lowering the arch.

In addition, the library of base models provided with the software has been enhanced and extended. Furthermore, customers are now able to add their own library of models, add-ons and cut-outs.

Although many customers are expected to use both OrthoModel and OrthoMill, the two programs also completely “open”. OrthoModel can take data from any scanning system or use manual measurements, while OrthoMill can take models from most CAD systems and output machining instructions to any milling machine. Delcam CRISPIN is happy to recommend the type of equipment that is required to companies that are new to computer-aided manufacturing.

Using OrthoModel and OrthoMill reduces the time needed to prepare orthotics so giving the faster turn-around times that customers demand. In addition, the use of computer-based design and manufacturing techniques brings the benefits of accuracy and quality to the orthotics industry that are already enjoyed by other areas of footwear manufacturing.

ITI TranscenData Releases CADIQ 6.0

ITI TranscenData announces the release of CADIQ 6.0 as the latest edition of its innovative 3D CAD model validation and product data quality product. CADIQ identifies shape and fit problems and validates 3D CAD geometry, part features definitions and assembly product structure.

Quality issues and introduced changes discovered by CADIQ often affect reusability of engineering data in downstream processes such as analysis, manufacturing and data migration. Validation leads to a deeper understanding of a company's CAD system revision, data exchange, legacy CAD data remastering, feature based translation or product configuration processes. Without CADIQ validation, interoperability issues often go undiscovered, pose greater challenges to simulation or manufacturing groups and typically require rework to the model or assembly. This results in costly production and time-to-market delays.

With CADIQ 6.0, users can now take validation results and publish into 3D PDF reports to enable free distribution of validated product models. 3D PDF is developed by Adobe and includes full CAD and product structure data from most major CAD formats. Users that do not use CADIQ can now have access to CAD model quality or side-by-side validation results.

CADIQ 3D PDF Validation Report CADIQ users can generate 3D PDF reports through automatic generation during a CADIQ controller/analysis session or from the CADIQ viewer. Within the viewer, users create custom views that mark-up an active session and capture the product model, viewpoint, diagnostics, diagnostic markers and comments associated with diagnostic views. Examining diagnostic results within a 3D PDF is done through a combination of menu options at the top of the report, dynamic 3D PDF mouse and keyboard commands or through attachments to the report.

CADIQ generated PDF reports can be opened with Adobe Acrobat for further editing, mark-up, attachments and more options such that core CADIQ 3D PDF reports can be combined with with other PDF based needs. Once a 3D PDF report has been enhanced via Adobe Acrobat, it can again be saved and opened by users of the free Adobe Reader product.
Validation Technology with Process Expertise

There is an assortment of quality checking and validation technologies in the market but few come backed with the expertise to understand customer needs and deploy a robust solution. CADIQ validation technology combined with validation methodologies provides a predictive element early in the design process by allowing companies to interrogate product models for conditions that could cause problems for simulation or manufacturing groups. This early warning capability empowers the design group to proactively change models and avoid the delays that are created by adding by more work to downstream processes.

"ITI TranscenData shapes its validation project management approach to fit the client's quality initiative, management policy or product development approach. ITI adheres to a flexible set of guidelines to ensure successful delivery of the solution within the time and budget constraints." says Doug Cheney, CADIQ Product Manager and CAD Interoperability Consultant at ITI TranscenData. "When comparing and validating a set of 3D CAD models, ITI validation methodologies combined with CADIQ technology are the electron microscope of CAD. These processes not only automate the inspection and validation functions, but also identify problem areas in the model that cannot be detected by the human eye. The result is significant workflow improvements and confidence in the integrity and value of an organization's engineering data."
Additional Enhancements:

* Updated quality and validation analysis technology based on advanced face matching
* 3D PDF creation with custom views, diagnostic highlights and synchronized side-by-side CAD models
* Direct assembly analysis (no flattening) for CATIA V5, NX, Pro/Engineer, SolidWorks, Parasolid and STEP
* Assembly structure quality diagnostics
* Transparency highlighting graphics display option
* Expanded and reformatted help documentation
* 3D mouse (SpaceBall & Explorer) support
* Improved batch analysis performance with CAD session reuse
* Up to date CATIA V4.2.5, CATIA V5R19, NX6, NXI6, Pro/Engineer WF4, Parasolid 19 support in addition to most older/legacy CAD formats
* Pro/ENGINEER nested family tables support
* New Tooling Diagnostics such as "Narrow Space Between Solids"

OPEN MIND'S hyperMILL® Post- Processors Available for Advanced Mori Seiki Machines

OPEN MIND Technologies AG, developer of hyperMILL CAM software, has recently completed NC postprocessors for many Mori Seiki machine tool models. These developments include on-machine testing at Mori Seiki Technology Centers and further review and confirmation by Mori Seiki's Digital Technology Laboratory (DTL). These postprocessors are available to connect hyperMILL software to Mori Seiki mills and mill-turn machining centers.

OPEN MIND has worked closely with Mori Seiki for several years, achieving Mori Seiki's high standards for postprocessor development. For the NMV-series, NT-series, and NL-SY series machines, OPEN MIND hyperMILL customers can now obtain uniform, proven postprocessors. These were developed by OPEN MIND's centralized postprocessor team in its Wessling, Germany headquarters, and implemented with additional assistance from OPEN MIND field application engineering staff in partnership with Mori Seiki operators at various Mori Seiki facilities.

OPEN MIND has a strong postprocessor philosophy centered on a fixed core with a broad set of configurable parameters. With this approach, OPEN MIND customers have the assurance provided by the experienced development team, yet the flexibility to activate/deactivate various control functions or customize header and trailer command sequences. OPEN MIND postprocessors use advanced machine-control functions such as tool center point management (TCP), dynamic fixture offsets, and allows functions such as canned cycles on frames (tilted workplanes).

OPEN MIND also provides a consistent environment for mill-turn applications, where milling and turning machining cycles can be used within one job and in any sequence. Various program utilities such as in-process stock models, tool database, simulation, and machine postprocessors can work in a uniform environment with combinations of milling and turning cycles.

Mori Seiki engineers have partner licenses of hyperMILL in many offices in Japan, USA, and other countries. These engineers can utilize hyperMILL software (and postprocessors) to help with machine selection studies, customer time studies, and part runoffs.

Mori Seiki is one of the largest, most well-respected machine tool manufacturers worldwide and provides a wide range of machine models and sizes. Machine types include, but are not limited to, basic milling and turning machines, high-end 5-axis machines, turning centers, and mill-turn machines. OPEN MIND's Alan Levine states, "Machines like the NMV model are engineered and built exceedingly well, have large axis ranges and user access, and have both high power and high speed characteristics."

OPEN MIND Technologies has a large installed base of customers using the 2.5D, 3D, HSC, and 5-axis functions. The 5-axis technologies include a strong mathematical basis for collision detection and collision avoidance analyses. There are also specialty machining strategies for dedicated applications such as multi-blade turbomachinery parts, single-blade turbomachinery parts, cylinder head porting, and tire molds.

OPEN MIND has always had a history of providing integrated CAD solutions which is especially important in the mid-range market sector. To support this sector OPEN MIND offers its CAM solution hyperMILL® as a fully integrated version in SolidWorks® and has achieved 'Certified Gold Product' status by SolidWorks Corporation. OPEN MIND also has an integrated version for Autodesk® Inventor™, as well as offering hyperMILL as a standalone system in its hyperCAD® platform that is based on the think3 kernel.

Mentor Graphics Chairman and CEO to Keynote at CPDA's PLM Road Map™ 2009

Presentation will discuss a new approach that reduces system integration risks for the automotive industry.

Stamford, CT – Collaborative Product Development Associates (CPDA), a provider of critical analyses for PLM decisions, announces that Dr. Walden C. Rhines, Chairman and CEO of Mentor Graphics will make a keynote address at its annual PLM Road Map™ conference, to be held at The Inn at St. John's, outside of Detroit, Michigan on September 22nd and 23rd.

In his presentation, The Paradigm Shift for Vehicle EE Design with Model-Driven Development, Dr. Rhines will talk about a new model-driven development (MDD) methodology that supports today's emerging design requirements. Incorporating an MDD process into the development life cycle lays the groundwork for an integrated design flow. Such processes directly address systems integration, thereby solving issues faced by automotive and commercial vehicle OEMs and suppliers today.

The growth in electronics and software content in modern vehicles has reached critical mass, and the quality of the electronics, software, and interconnect technologies now dictates the quality of the product. Many vehicles can be considered configurable mobile computing platforms that comprise a complex network of interconnected devices. Escalating electronic complexity calls for a paradigm shift with the adoption of a systems approach to designing, verifying, and integrating electronic and software components in a networked multi-domain environment...all focused on the goal of ensuring high-performance designs while keeping costs and schedules under control.

Now in its 16th year, PLM Road Map™ 2009 is a strategic conference focused on the critical tradeoffs that shape product development. PLM Road Map™ 2009 will enable attendees to explore first hand the progress, opportunities, and roadblocks leading-edge end-users are confronting.

More information and updates on PLM Road Map™ 2009 may be found at http://www.cpd-associates.com/index.cfm?content=include_conference09.cfm.

About Dr. Walden C. Rhines

Walden C. Rhines is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mentor Graphics, a leader in worldwide electronic design automation with revenue of about $850 million in the last 12 months. During his tenure at Mentor Graphics, revenue has more than doubled, the growth rate since 1999 has been number one among the "Big 3" EDA companies and Mentor has grown the industry's number one market share solutions in physical verification, design concept-through-functional verification and printed circuit board design.

Prior to joining Mentor Graphics, Rhines was Executive Vice President of Texas Instruments' Semiconductor Group, sharing responsibility for TI's Components Sector, and having direct responsibility for the entire semiconductor business with more than $5 billion of revenue and over 30,000 people.

During his 21 years at TI, Rhines managed TI's thrust into digital signal processing and supervised that business from inception with the TMS 320 family of DSP's through growth to become the cornerstone of TI's semiconductor technology. He was also responsible for development of the first TI speech synthesis devices (used in "Speak & Spell") and is co-inventor of the GaN blue-violet light emitting diode (now important for DVD players). He was President of TI's Data Systems Group and held numerous other semiconductor executive management positions.

Rhines is currently in his fourth term as Chairman of the Electronic Design Automation Consortium. He is also a board member of the Semiconductor Research Corporation, the Global Semiconductor Alliance, Lewis and Clark College, and the Portland Classic Wines Auction. He has previously served as chairman of the Semiconductor Technical Advisory Committee of the Department of Commerce, as an executive committee member of the board of directors of the Corporation for Open Systems and as a board member of the Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers' Association (CBEMA), SEMI-Sematech/SISA, Electronic Design Automation Consortium (EDAC), University of Michigan National Advisory Council, and Sematech.

Dr. Rhines holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Michigan, a Master of Science and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University, a master of business administration from Southern Methodist University and an Honorary Doctor of Technology degree from Nottingham Trent University.

About CPDA

Collaborative Product Development Associates (CPDA) is a provider of critical analyses for PLM decisions. CPDA offers the latest in-depth, objective information for assessing technology and business goals. Coordinated by a group of experienced analysts, its cohesive suite of collaborative research programs leverages the efforts of top software designers and leading-edge users. CPDA's differentiation is its specific, deep, and pragmatic approach to the market, and a hands-on understanding of the technology required to drive successful implementations. CPDA's collaborative research programs include Design Creation and Validation, Design/Simulation Council, PLM-Integration/Product Definition, and Product Value Management.

Intergraph(R) Will Now Offer DNV Early Ship Design Software

Integrated SmartMarine® platform speeds design process and increases accuracy

HUNTSVILLE, Ala - Intergraph® will now resell DNV Software's Nauticus Early Design software as part of its integrated SmartMarine® Enterprise solution to speed ship and offshore platform design and increase accuracy by seamlessly transitioning from the conceptual design and rules calculation phase to detailed and production design without the need to remodel.

Nauticus Early Design, which is based on Intergraph's SmartMarine 3D development platform with additional stringent DNV classification rule calculations modules for the marine industry, is a complete package for ship early design integrating 3D CAD and ship analysis systems.

It combines new-generation 3D modeling and drawing generation which are integrated with the well-established analysis capabilities of Nauticus Hull for class rules check and finite element analysis, Sesam and GeniE. The system's advanced rule engine allows knowledge-based marine engineering, a high degree of automation and elimination of repetitive modeling tasks which contributes to shortened lead time and increased quality of the design.

Early Design rule calculations are needed to receive class approval signifying that the offshore platform or ship construction proposed is of sound engineering and therefore applicable for insurance purposes. The rules are based on more than 100 years of experience gathered by the class societies.

Leveraging Intergraph's advanced development platform, Nauticus Early Design and SmartMarine 3D require no manual interface, allowing users to transition directly from conceptual design to detailed and production design, without the need to remodel ensuring design consistency and single entry of information.

Manual interfaces and remodeling require additional design time and contribute to errors. However with the Nauticus Early Design and SmartMarine 3D, customers can work completely in a single model and therefore ensure consistency in design, accuracy and the single entry of information.

"Our rules calculation and analysis modules combined with Intergraph's design platform provide an exceptional architecture to enable ship and marine designers to have a powerful new way to ensure safe designs with the speed necessary to meet today's demanding production deadlines," said, Elling Rishoff, managing director, DNV Software.

Gerhard Sallinger, Intergraph Process, Power & Marine president, said, "Our expanded alliance with DNV, one of the world's leading class societies, continues our commitment to our growing ship and offshore customer base and to delivering increased productivity to provide our customers a competitive edge."

Intergraph will offer Nauticus Early Design under a reseller agreement with DNV Software, an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for Intergraph's SmartMarine 3D design software.

Virtual Product Test for Designers and Engineering Simulation Software for Analysts at Pacific Design Show

WESTMINSTER, CA - NEi Software (NEi), a global leader in the development of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software, will demonstrate how pre and post processors Femap®, NEi Fusion™, and NEi Works™ powered by NEi Nastran solvers assist both designers and analysts in testing products on their computers faster, easier, and with greater fidelity at the Pacific Design and Manufacturing Show. Digital prototyping technology developed by NEi creates graphic results of engineering parameters like stress, vibration modes, and heat transfer when 3D CAD parts and assemblies are subjected to structural or thermal loads. Simulation software is receiving more attention in today's economy because of its ability to reduce costs through savings on fewer physical prototypes and test programs, reduction in redesigns by early recognition of problem areas, shortened design cycles, and accelerated time to market.

New virtual testing tools in NEi's portfolio include: Automated Impact Analysis and Drop Test (AIA™), Design Optimization, Automated Surface Contact Generation (ASCG™), Automated Edge Connection Generation (AECG™) and Progressive Ply Failure Analysis (PPFA™). AIA is used in a variety of areas including military projectiles, product packaging and drop testing of consumer electronic products. Design Optimization finds solutions for complex designs with competing parameters, such as structures that must be both strong and light. ASCG provides real world fidelity in modeling assemblies. AECG is a major productivity tool that significantly speeds model creation for shell type structures like cars, ships, and aircraft. PPFA reveals how damage is propagated through composite structures like carbon fiber and epoxy laminates.

NEi will be at Booth #3519 at the Pacific Design Show, February 10-12, 2009 in the Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA. NEi will provide qualified parties with a free exhibit hall pass and invites attendees to review their specific application with a technical specialist. Sign up is at www.nenastran.com/pacific-design-2009.

Jan 28, 2009

Geometric releases version 1.2 of 3DPaintBrush™

Includes new features, enhancements and support for Rhino models

Mumbai: Geometric Limited (BSE:532312,NSE:GEOMETRIC), a leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions and technologies, announced the release of 3DPaintBrush™ version 1.2.

3DPaintBrush is an innovative visualization and rendering tool that helps create near photo-realistic images, animations, and videos from 3D models in real-time. It can be used to repurpose 3D models and create digital content for architectural and interior design, industrial and product design, presentations, marketing collateral and for many otherapplications.

3DPaintBrush version 1.2 provides additional file type support and exciting new user-friendly functionalities including:

* Native support for Rhino (*.3dm) models
* Support for importing Camera Animations & Active Camera from Sketch Up models
* Reuse textures by saving them through the 'Add to My Textures' feature
* Support for maintaining aspect ratio while exporting images
* Box Zoom functionality to zoom into a part of the model, and Box Select functionality to choose and modify multiple objects at the same time
* Taskbar Shortcuts & Hotkeys for better usability

Please visit www.3dpaintbrush.com for more information.

SolidWorks 3D ContentCentral 2009 Blends Social Media and Self-Publishing Into Community for Sharing Design Knowledge

Eliminates the Cost and Complexity of Maintaining Online Parts Catalogs; Improves Search, Navigation and Communication for Engineers Seeking 3D Part Models

CONCORD, Mass - Already the largest online community of engineering parts, suppliers, and buyers, the 3D ContentCentral® service today also became the easiest to use by becoming the first to embrace self-publishing and social networking, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. announced today.

3D ContentCentral 2009, the newest version of the online service, includes an array of self-publishing tools that enable suppliers to build vast catalogs of 3D models by simply clicking a mouse. New social networking tools let 3D ContentCentral users build Facebook-like communities of members for sharing knowledge on components and suppliers.

More than 450,000 registered users use 3D ContentCentral to find configurable models of engineering components from hundreds of suppliers. With this upgrade, DS SolidWorks is transforming 3D ContentCentral from an online catalog to an interactive online community where product designers and suppliers can exchange information on an infinite range of design issues.

"Before 3D ContentCentral 2009, users and suppliers who communicated through online catalogs were restricted to exchanging CAD data," said Fielder Hiss, director of product management at DS SolidWorks. "Now, with the social networking features we've added to 3D ContentCentral, they can have real conversations, compare their knowledge and experience, and help each other make better buying decisions. At the same time, the self-publishing options will attract more suppliers, which gives users a wider range of parts to choose from. We've already had 100 suppliers register to use the self-publishing options."

Self-publishing innovations

3D ContentCentral's new Supplier Services self-publishing section eliminates the cost and technical barriers to creating online catalogs of engineering parts models. It enables suppliers to create their product catalogs without relying on a third-party service provider. Among the key features of Supplier Services are:

* Embedded content management tools: a file upload program, content manager, supplier dashboard, and model preview and edit pages. They enable suppliers to build, update, and maintain catalogs.
* Streamlined supplier catalog templates and a check-box option for "featureless" downloads of supplier models that protect their intellectual property by hiding it from users.

John Hartnett, president of Pittsburgh-based Vacuum Research Corporation, has long recognized the value of a Web presence for his company's valves, fittings, and gauges, but balked at the time and effort required to put 3D models online. 3D ContentCentral 2009's ease of use has swayed him to start an online catalog.

"Getting the models online isn't such a huge burden on the engineering people with 3D ContentCentral 2009," he said. "It's not a lot of extra work; it's just organizing what we already have in a different way."

Social networking for design knowledge

3D ContentCentral 2009 features a revamped "My 3DCC" page that enables users to build communities for trading knowledge and experience. Among the key new features are:

* "My Updates": Automatically keeps users up to date on everyone in their community of contacts. For example, it notifies a user when a contact uploads a new 3D model, or contributes a comment to an online discussion.
* Favorites: Lets users track specified users and parts catalogs without inviting them to become a contact.
* Rate and Comment: Enables users to collaboratively evaluate model quality and share their experiences with one another.
* Requesting: Gives users a direct channel to suppliers so they can ask for modifications and new designs.
* Maps to Suppliers: Google Maps integration in the search options helps users find the nearest component suppliers and OEMs.
* Advanced Search Tools: Helps users find content more efficiently using guided navigation.

46th DAC Technical and Pavilion Panel Committees Developing Exciting Panel Lineup

Design Automation Conference 2009

BOULDER, Colo. - The 46th Design Automation Conference (DAC) Technical Panel Committee (TPC) and the Pavilion Panel Committee (PPC) volunteers are hard at work developing the lineup of technical and pavilion panels for the 46th DAC, which will be held July 26 – 31, 2009 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. The committee members represent the spectrum of EDA, semiconductor and electronics companies as well as universities. They are responsible for reviewing all panel proposals and working with organizers and panelists to create informative and educational sessions on timely, compelling topics. The program for the 46th DAC, including the panel lineup, will be announced on May 4, 2009.

The Panel committee is organized into two groups, the Technical Panel committee and the Pavilion Panel Committee. This year's Panel Committee Chair is industry veteran and consultant, Greg Spirakis, who oversees both committees.

"Each year DAC conference attendees look forward to the technical panels on the latest challenges and the lively discussions offered in the Pavilion panels on the DAC exhibit floor," said Greg Spirakis, 46th DAC Panel Committee Chair. "This diverse group of energetic and creative volunteers is assembling panel offerings which address a wide range of design challenges and some of the most important issues facing our industry."

This year's Technical Panel Committee members are Committee Chair Juan Rey of Mentor Graphics Corp.; Eshel Haritan, CoWare, Inc.; Ruchir Puri, IBM; Hiroyuki Yagi, Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center; NS Nagaraj, Texas Instruments; Andreas Kuehlmann, Cadence Labs; and Jason Cong, University of California, Los Angeles.

This year's Pavilion Panel Committee members are Committee Chair Rich Goldman, Synopsys, Inc.; Tiffany Sparks, Chartered Semiconductor; David Lin, Denali Software; Jim Lipman, Sidense; Dave Kelf, Sigmatix; Yatin Trivedi, Synopsys, Inc. and Sabina Burns, Virage Logic.

For more information on this year's DAC Panels, contact Panel Committee Chair, Greg Spirakis at gspiraki@pacbell.net.

New WorkXPlore 3D website allows engineers to download high speed collaborative CAD viewer free

Visitors to Sescoi's new English language website for WorkXPlore 3D, www.workxplore-3d.com its high speed 3D CAD viewing, mark-up and analysis solution, will be able to download a copy of the system and sign up for live web demos completely free of charge.

Designed to enable collaborative working in engineering companies, WorkXPlore 3D can import and amalgamate very large CAD models from multiple design systems, check dimensions, volumes and interferences, annotate changes, and share this information with colleagues, customers and suppliers.

In addition to offering free web demo sessions, the new website features a comprehensive set of easy step-by-step tutorials showing how to use the software as well as demo videos illustrating how WorkXPlore 3D is used in a real working environment. All tutorials and demos are free to access, enabling engineers to fully evaluate the product's capabilities and ease of use from their own desktops.

WorkXPlore 3D comes in three versions - Viewer, Collaborative and Manufacturing Pro. The free download available on the website gives 30 days full use of the top specification Manufacturing Pro version, which features a raft of analysis functions including flat surface detection, draft angle measurement, and 3D model export, as well as all the collaborative tools. After the 30 day free trial, WorkXPlore 3D reverts to the Viewer version, which can continue to be used for an unlimited period of time, at no cost.

Companies can make significant savings by making the most of the expertise and resources available within their local and extended organisations. WorkXPlore 3D simplifies this process by allowing users to share information using a combination of the free Viewer version of the software and any or both of the two fully function versions, according to the role and requirements of the user involved. A visit to the WorkXPlore 3D website could be the first step in making true, collaborative working a reality, helping companies to develop more effective products, faster and at lower cost.

Trace Software announces elecworks™

Trace Software launches elecworks™, its brand new electrical CAD Product. The Electrical Experience for SolidWorks.

Saint-Romain, France : Trace Software, for 20 years an innovator in CAD software development for the electrical engineering and the automation market, the maker of TraceParts, announces elecworks™ designed to cover the electrical and automation needs of the SolidWorks engineering offices. elecworks™ increases collaboration between electrical and mechanical teams and allows them to create automation and electrical installation projects better designed with faster documentation generation.

Trace Software will demonstrate elecworks™ at the SolidWorks World 2009 Conference.
Attendees will discover a new generation software tool which allows users to work on all areas of a digital installation in real time, based on a single database with multiple views: cable synoptic, schematics, equipment management, input/output tables, etc ; including a full SolidWorks 3D Cabinet module.

The elecworks™ 3D Cabinet module for SolidWorks is a unique application which allows the design of Cabinet within SolidWorks using data in real-time from the scheme project, and will enable most convenient placement and clash detection.

"elecworks™ is the result of an unprecedented technological development. Through the SolidWorks Solution Partner program, we developed elecworks™ to provide SolidWorks designers with the tools to use and share electrical and automation information on the 3D mock-up. elecworks™ has been designed to run in many languages, our goal is to make it the electrical CAD worldwide de-facto standard. elecworks™ is definitely the right choice for the companies using SolidWorks as their design tool." said Etienne Mullie, CEO of Trace Software.

elecworks™ and its 3D Cabinet module for SolidWorks will be sold worldwide through the SolidWorks Dealer network.

PTC Announces Q1 Results Issues Q2 Guidance and Full Fiscal Year 2009 Targets

NEEDHAM, Mass - PTC (Nasdaq: PMTC), The Product Development Company®, today reported results for its fiscal first quarter ended January 3, 2009.


* Q1 Results: Revenue of $240.4 million and non-GAAP EPS of $0.15
o GAAP EPS of $0.04
* Q2 Guidance: Revenue of $220 to $230 million and non-GAAP EPS of $0.04 to $0.10
o GAAP EPS loss of $0.10 to $0.19
o Includes $15 to $20 million restructuring charge to reduce operating expenses
* FY 2009 Targets: Revenue of $960 million with non-GAAP EPS of $0.90
o GAAP EPS of $0.43 to $0.49
o 20% non-GAAP operating margin for H2'09

The Q1 non-GAAP results exclude $10.5 million of stock-based compensation expense, $8.5 million of acquisition-related intangible asset amortization expenses and $6.2 million of related income tax effects. The Q1 results include a non-GAAP tax rate of 19%, a GAAP tax benefit rate of 89% and approximately 117 million diluted shares outstanding.

Computer-Based Training Product Reclassification

Beginning in FY2009, PTC is reclassifying its computer-based training product related sales previously recorded as Services revenue to License and Maintenance revenue to better align with how these training products are sold to customers. This will not affect total revenue, operating margin or net income. However, the reclassification will result in a shift of approximately $20 million of revenue annually from Services to License and Maintenance (primarily License). Revised historical results which reflect this reclassification are included in the Financial and Operating Metrics document available on our website. All results and forward-looking comments provided in this document are in accordance with the reclassified reporting structure.

Q1 Results & Outlook

C. Richard Harrison, president and chief executive officer, commented, "We delivered $240 million of revenue in Q1 compared to $241 million in the year ago period. This performance reflects a $20 million, or 29%, decrease in license revenue compared to Q1'08 inclusive of a $2 million unfavorable currency impact. Our total revenue was up 2% on a constant currency basis, reflecting the growth of our maintenance and services businesses as well as 2 months of additional revenue contribution from CoCreate, which we acquired on November 30, 2007. On an organic constant currency basis, our total revenue was down 3%, or approximately $8 million, compared to last year."

"Our pipeline for new business opportunities remains strong," continued Harrison. "We are, however, experiencing lengthening lead times and reduced spending on large deals and our reseller channel is also being impacted by softening end-market demand. Recognizing that the margin for error is greater than it has historically been due to the uncertainties of the current environment, we are currently expecting FY'09 revenue of approximately $960 million, with Q2 revenue in the range of $220 million to $230 million."

Harrison added, "Our technology is winning in significant competitive benchmarks and we remain very optimistic about the long-term opportunity for PTC. We intend to continue to make strategic investments we believe are critical to gaining market share and improving operating profitability over the longer-term, including improving the breadth and competitiveness of our product portfolio, expanding our reseller channel and developing an ecosystem of strategic services partners."

Neil Moses, chief financial officer, commented, "Balancing the long-term market opportunity with the severity of the global economic situation, we began to take actions in Q1 to reduce our operating expenses, including reducing our rate of hiring, postponing annual merit increases and reducing travel expenses. In Q2 we will be taking a $15 million to $20 million restructuring charge as we continue to take actions to reduce our operating expenses. We expect all of these actions to reduce our original operating expense plan for FY'09 by approximately $50 million and are currently expecting to deliver 15% non-GAAP operating margins for the full fiscal year."

Moses concluded, "We are well positioned to weather this economic storm with $227 million of cash and an additional $156 million available on our revolving credit facility. In addition, we expect to generate more than $100 million in operating cash flow this year which we intend to use to pay down our outstanding debt of $74 million by the end of FY'09 and to buy back our stock. We remain committed to accelerating our organic growth rate and expanding our non-GAAP operating margins into the mid-twenty percent range over the longer-term."

The Q2 guidance assumes a non-GAAP tax rate of 25% and a GAAP tax provision of 30%, which is a benefit on a loss before tax that includes a one-time tax benefit of approximately $7 million. The Q2 non-GAAP guidance excludes approximately $10 million of stock-based compensation expense, $9 million of acquisition-related intangible asset amortization expenses, $15 million to $20 million of restructuring related expense and the related income tax effects.

The FY'09 guidance assumes a non-GAAP tax rate of 25% and a GAAP tax benefit rate of 30%. The FY'09 non-GAAP guidance excludes approximately $46 million of stock-based compensation expense, $35 million of acquisition-related intangible asset amortization expense, $15 million to $20 million of restructuring related expense and the related income tax effects.

Q1 Earnings Conference Call and Webcast

NOTE: Supplemental financial and operating metric information and prepared remarks for the conference call will be posted to the investor relations section of our website simultaneous to the press release after the market closes on Tuesday, January 27. The prepared remarks will not be read live; the call will be primarily Q&A.

When: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time

Dial-in: 1-888-566-8560 or 1-517-623-4768

Call Leader: Richard Harrison with Passcode: PTC

Webcast: http://www.ptc.com/for/investors.htm

Replay: The audio replay of this event will be archived for public replay until 4:00 p.m. on February 2, 2009 at 1-866-434-5264 or 1-203-369-1006. To access the replay via webcast, please visit http://www.ptc.com/for/investors.htm.

Important Information About Non-GAAP References

PTC provides non-GAAP supplemental information to its financial results. Non-GAAP operating expenses, margin and EPS exclude stock-based compensation expense, amortization of acquired intangible assets, acquired in-process research and development expenses, restructuring charges, and the related tax effects of the preceding items and any one-time tax items, such as valuation allowance reversals. PTC provides this non-GAAP information to facilitate period-to-period comparisons of its operational performance by adjusting for certain non-cash and certain episodic expenses. We believe that providing non-GAAP measures affords investors a view of our operating results that may be more easily compared to peer companies. PTC management also uses this and other non-GAAP financial information to evaluate, manage and plan our business because the information provides additional insight into ongoing financial performance. In addition, compensation of our executives is based in part on the performance of our business based on these non-GAAP measures. However, non-GAAP information should not be construed as an alternative to GAAP information as the items excluded from the non-GAAP measures often have a material impact on PTC's financial results. Management uses, and investors should use, non-GAAP measures in conjunction with our GAAP results.

Delcam to show latest dental software at IDS

DentCAD allows complete bridges to be designed in minutes

Delcam will show the latest releases of its DentCAD and DentMILL dental software at the IDS International Dental Show to be held in Cologne from 24th to 28th March. DentCAD is a highly-automated, computer-aided design (CAD) program that can be used for the fast, reliable creation of dental restorations, including copings, crowns and bridge frameworks, while DentMILL is a knowledge-based machining (CAM) system for the manufacture of components for the industry.

Delcam will also be demonstrating the new release of its PartMaker machining software. This program is used to speed the manufacture of dental screws and similar accessories on turn-mill equipment or Swiss-type lathes.

DentCAD and DentMILL can be used together to provide a complete design and manufacturing system. However, both programs are completely 'open' and so can be used with software and hardware from other companies. For example, DentCAD accepts data from any scanner capable of exporting data in the STL format used widely within the dental industry. Similarly, DentMILL can output machining toolpaths to virtually any CNC machine. Most other dental CAM programs are part of a 'closed' system that can only work with unique data formats or specific scanning or machining equipment.

The key benefit of DentCAD is that is extremely easy to use and so is ideally suited both for dental technicians with existing CAD knowledge and those that have no previous experience of computer-aided design. The whole process is based on a series of "Wizards" that guide the user through the entire design process.

A wide range of visualisation and analysis tools are available at every stage, including sectioning, measuring, shading and transparency options that allow detailed inspection of the shape being developed. This ensures that the results are exactly as required by the patient.

The system is also very flexible, so allowing different design options to be developed and compared. For example, key parameters like the margin line and the cement thickness can be modified and the computer model will automatically update to reflect the changes. In addition, sculpting tools let the user add or subtract material interactively, while the dynamic editing tools allow the complete model to be reshaped quickly and effectively.

All the functionality in DentMILL is based on Delcam's PowerMILL CAM system, which is widely acknowledged to be the world leader in high-speed and five-axis machining. This allows the software to offer a far wider range of proven machining strategies than is available in other dental CAM programs.

The latest additions to the software are new five-axis options, which are particularly important for abutment manufacture as these components are difficult to produce with three-axis machining. The new five-axis functionality can reduce material wastage when producing copings and bridges. Previously, all the components needed to be oriented within the material block so that they could all be machined in a single direction. With the five-axis approach, the components can each be rotated to minimise the block thickness required, since the different pieces, or even different areas within a single part, can be machined in different directions. This allows a set of parts to be produced from a thinner block of material so reducing material costs and machining times. Five-axis machining can also be used to machine parts containing undercuts.

Another new option is the ability to generate set-up sheets. These allow the user to identify easily multiple parts manufactured in the same block of material.

Major highlights of the new release of PartMaker include a revamped and more productive user-interface, improved capabilities for programming directly on CAD models, and more realistic machine simulations for the increasingly-complex equipment now being used in the dental industry. The enhanced user interface will make PartMaker users even more productive in programming their machining equipment, while offering new users an even easier to learn system.

Jan 27, 2009

Japanese Design Firm Basco's to Launch India Operations

"The first ever Japanese design company in the domestic market "

Pune : One of Japan’s leading design agencies Basco’s Inc (www.bascos.co.jp) is launching its operations in Mumbai to exclusively service the Indian markets making it the first ever Japanese design agency in the domestic market specializing in new product development and all aspects of commercial design.

Stating that Japanese design is here to offer cutting edge creativity to an increasingly exciting Indian market, Mr. Tetsu Kimura, Founder & CEO of Basco’s, added that the Japanese school of design, characterized by calligraphy, the unique use of space, simplicity, subtlety and discipline characterized in the Zen way of life, will cater to Indian brands as per their target audiences and marketing strategies.

Mr. Kimura further stated that innovative and cutting edge design services would play a critical role in shaping the destinies of products and services in the Indian market. Over the next few decades, India is expected to see monumental consumer growth and heightened competition amongst products and services. “I would rate distinct designing very high for procuring the eyeballs particularly in a market where the consumer is increasingly spoilt for choice. We at Basco’s have helped major players in the Japan market for the last 25 years, and we are confident we can bring our unique know-how of one of the world’s most sophisticated consumer markets to the Indian market place,” added Mr. Kimura.

Some of Basco’s key clients in the Japanese market include Singapore Airlines, Emirates Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Audi, Adidas, Panasonic, Sharp, Mitsui Bussan and Sojitz among others.

The India venture Basco’s Japan (www.bascosjapan.com) is being launched jointly by Basco’s Inc, Maido Enterprises Private Limited, and La Ditta Limited (Japan) headed by Harry Cheng.

According to Mr. Harry Cheng, COO, Basco’s, would be creating an independent team of young designers who will be well versed with intricacies of Japanese designing. “Our first batch of three young designers is ready with a 5-month stint in Japan. It is the first time Indian design graduates have trained formally in a design company in Japan”, he said.

Mr. Cheng also pointed out that currently some 700 Japanese companies are operating out of India and this figure is bound to increase in the coming years. “Basco’s will also advise clients on bringing in new products to market. In India, we will bring the know-how of consumer consumption growth that Japan has undergone and find ways to apply it in the Indian context”, he added.

Commenting on the launch, well know adman Mr. Prahlad Kakkar stated, “Basco’s launch is exciting as I believe Japanese design is the most brilliant design in the world. They are masters in reducing design to its essentials – characterized in the art of calligraphy; the single stroke conveys so much in its simplicity. I believe Basco’s Japan will serve Indian companies, Indian companies entering the Japan market and the increasing contingent of Japanese companies in India.”

The training stint in Japan for Indian designers focussed on-the-job training. They were trained to design keeping in mind the Japanese sensibilities not only of art and beauty but the high level of commercial and functional capacities which Japan is famous for. They also studied other aspects of Japanese culture such as tewaza, hand techniques, reflected in art forms such as Ukioy-e, Urushi, Embroidery and Kiriko.

According to Ms. Asavari Thatte who was one of the 3 designers, “It is worth appreciating how Japan has adopted the modern age but has its cultural heritage and philosophy intact. This facet of the Japanese is manifested in their design too where there is a balance between modern and traditional design, kakushin and dento.”

Amdocs Opens Innovation Labs at Leading Indian Universities

Encouraging, mentoring and developing innovative ideas by India's top engineering students

Amdocs, the leading provider of customer experience systems, continues to demonstrate its commitment to fostering innovation. Today, at an exclusive press event at Le Meridien, Pune, the company formally announced the opening of its second Innovation Lab in India at Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), one of India's premier universities. The first lab was launched at Pune's Institute of Computer Technology (PICT) in September 2008. Part of Amdocs' range of innovation programs, the Amdocs Innovation Labs were established in order to create a strong link between academia and industry, and to inspire innovative thinking in the minds of the top students.

The Amdocs Innovation Labs are equipped with high end hardware and software provided by Amdocs. Outstanding students are identified following a rigorous selection process and enter an Amdocs mentorship program led by senior Amdocs IT industry professionals. The students are encouraged to have a free flow of ideas, while receiving hands-on experience with new technologies. The Amdocs mentors then help students to shape their innovative ideas into offering real-life value.

"Amdocs' different innovation programs – such as the Innovation Labs – allow us to deliver even greater value with creative offerings that can help our customers further differentiate themselves and increase efficiencies," said Anshoo Gaur, Head of Amdocs India. "We are establishing Innovation Labs at leading universities to encourage fresh, talented minds to generate and develop new ideas, which could potentially help the industry and our customers to solve technical or business issues."

"Our collaboration with Amdocs is enabling us to instill the culture of innovation in our students," said Dr. Vishwanath Karad, Founder, Executive President and General Director, MIT. "The Amdocs Innovation Lab at MIT is propelling students to think creatively and beyond their curriculum. We hope to witness some exciting ideas through this initiative."

The Amdocs Innovation Labs in India augment the company's presence in the country. Amdocs has development and support centers in Pune and Gurgaon, charged with system deployments, delivering consulting and managed services projects to customers, as well as product development, sales and customer support activities. The company offers its more than 3,700 employees in India a dynamic environment in which to work on complex projects that will be deployed at Amdocs customers around the world.

Silvano Joly appointed Vice President Worldwide Marketing of think3

Joly will guide marketing strategies at global level

Bangalore — Silvano Joly is the new Vice President Worldwide Marketing of think3, a multinational having 3 offices in India, working for 30 years in the CAD and PLM sector, with offices in Europe, Asia and the United States. In the new position, Joly will be responsible at the worldwide level for Product Marketing, Marketing Communication and Sales Operations.

Silvano Joly, 42, comes from Turin, Italy and has a Political Science degree from Turin's Università degli Studi and has 20 years' experience in sales and marketing management, 15 of which have been in the ICT products and services sector.

The most significant stages of his career were at PTC from 1996 to 2002 where he progressed from Sales Representative to District Manager in 1997, Regional Director in 1998, finally being promoted to Area Vice President in 2000. After that he was Business Development Manager at Reply where he looked after sales and marketing in the PDM, PLM, ERP, CRM and SCM markets as part of services offered by the Extended Enterprise.

In 2004 he joined Bladelogic (now BMC) as Regional Manager Southern Europe and set up its operations in Italy, Spain and Greece. Since 2006 he has been Managing Partner of Seac02 (Italian start-up of the year in 2006), and was also Associate Venture Manager at the Fondazione Torino Wireless, the body promoting the growth of the Piedmont ICT District. Lastly, before think3, Joly filled the role of Sales Manager, Large Enterprise Business User at SAP and Business Objects.

"To join the management team of think3, an Italian multinational with thirty years of experience in solutions for the product development process, is for me an honour and a stimulating challenge," says Silvano Joly.

Delcam's PowerMILL gives five-axis and more

Gelre Rijn Tools swapped its previous CAM system for Delcam's PowerMILL machining software after adding its first five-axis machine. The company soon found that the change of software also gave other benefits.

Based in Heteren in the Netherlands, Gelre Rijn Tools manufactures injection moulding tools for the plastic and rubber industry, and technical components for machine construction. The company specialises in tooling for thin-walled plastics products, in particular packaging for salads, ice cream, ready-made meals, household utensils and paints. To remain successful, it is essential to meet customers' demands for high quality parts, efficient tool performance and rapid delivery times.

The move to PowerMILL at Gelre Rijn Tools came after the company installed a new five-axis Hermle C40U milling machine. Following problems with the existing software, a search began for an alternative CAM system that would be able to drive this machine tool without any difficulties. Other requirements were for an improved surface quality so that polishing could be reduced to a minimum, and for software that was easy to learn and so would allow a fast implementation.

Richard Adams, a manufacturing engineer and modelmaker at the company, was impressed with PowerMILL from the start. As well as providing the five-axis functionality that was needed, the toolpaths from PowerMILL produced much smoother and better-looking results. This improved surface quality generated the desired reduction in the amount of polishing.

In addition, the fast and easy-to-learn graphical user interface, coupled with the professional support by reseller Bemet International, meant that the switch to the new software went smoothly.

"We have been working with PowerMILL since 2007," said Mr. Adams. "During that time, we have become convinced that our first impression of the software was right. We have been very impressed by all possibilities of this CAM system, especially by the range of milling strategies. We look forward to working with PowerMILL for many years to come."

Omnify Software to Showcase SolidWorks Interface at SolidWorks World 2009

Attendees to See Demonstration of Omnify Empower PLM and SolidWorks 3D CAD Software Integration

ANDOVER, MA - Omnify Software, a leading provider of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software for electronic, medical, mechanical, and defense manufacturers, today announced that it will demonstrate its SolidWorks interface at the SolidWorks World 2009 Conference, being held from Feb. 8-11, 2009 in Orlando, Fla. The 11th annual SolidWorks World Conference brings together designers, engineers, managers, and partners to discuss ideas, trends, and the technology shaping the future of product design. Show attendees will see how Omnify Empower PLM integrated with SolidWorks® 3D CAD software allows customers to create a more efficient mechanical design and documentation process.

As a SolidWorks Solution Partner, Omnify is recognized as a best-in-class solution that integrates directly with SolidWorks software. This integration provides SolidWorks users with the ability to utilize the Omnify PLM system to easily store and manage released Bill of Materials (BOMs) and associated files, automatically create BOMs from 3D assembly drawings, and gain access to an enhanced data set such as costs, status, availability, and vendor information. A demonstration will be given in booth number 211.

"Many of our customers use SolidWorks for their mechanical design and by leveraging this integration they are able to simplify and streamline their mechanical design process," stated Chuck Cimalore, CTO for Omnify Software. "We are very excited to participate in SolidWorks World 2009 in order to demonstrate our solution to the SolidWorks user community."

The SolidWorks Partner Program features products and services that complement SolidWorks solutions. Certified Gold Products are fully integrated with SolidWorks software and provide users with instant access to the partner application within the SolidWorks window. Certified CAM and Solution Partner products offer a variety of integration methods with SolidWorks software, including direct import of native SolidWorks files, the SolidWorks application programming interface (API), and established industry standard file formats. SolidWorks has more partners in the mid-range CAD market than any competing technologies, with more than 700 companies worldwide participating in the SolidWorks Partner Program.

Professional CAD Software for rent from ASCON

KOMPAS-3D is now available for users from 3 month rental period

ASCON Group, developer and integrator of Professional CAD solution for 3D Modelling, 2D Drafting and Design — KOMPAS-3D, is now presenting a new Program for CAD-users.

Nowadays it is especially important for industrial enterprises, as well as for individual designers and engineers to pay particular attention to the budget spending and to manage corporate or individual resources effectively. ASCON offers a program which is able to help to use the downturn as an advantage — professional, powerful and what is very timely now cost-effective CAD softwares for rent: KOMPAS-3D from 75 euro per month and 2D Design solution, KOMPAS-Graphic from 30 euro/month.

The rental offer to allow customers choose the period of usage the latest full-functional MCAD solution for Parametric 3D Solid Modelling, 2D Drafting, Design and Release of Documentation and to pay only for required, really used time. KOMPAS-3D also includes BOM Wizard for creating of different types of customized BOMs, Template Manager for creating, maintaining and use of customized template libraries, Import and Export opportunities for data exchange with third-party software solutions, build-in interactive learning system KOMPAS-ABC, which considerably to simplify process of CAD learning, export to eDrawings Professional — viewing and publishing application for easy interacting with all departments involved in product development cycle. KOMPAS-3D rental offer also suggests Free support and upgrades during rental period.

The rental period can vary from 3, 6, 9 or 1 Year KOMPAS licenses. After an expiring of any rental period customer may prolong it for 1 or more month or upgrade KOMPAS to permanent license at a difference of rental price and valid full price of local temporary professional version.

The use of HyperShape/CATIA is increasing at PSA Peugeot Citroën

Altair's CATIA V5 integrated optimization solution, HyperShape/CATIA, enables CAE driven design process in the automotive industry

TROY, Mich. – Altair Engineering, Inc., a leading global provider of technology and services that empower client innovation and decision-making, announced today that PSA Peugeot Citroën has expanded its use of HyperShape/CATIA, Altair's embedded optimization solution for the CATIA V5 design community. HyperShape/CATIA helps frontload the development process with optimization technology so that non finite-element experts, such as construction engineers working with CATIA, can develop structurally efficient, high-performance products faster. At PSA Peugeot Citroën the software is principally used to optimize different kinds of brackets in engine perimeter, and the aim of PSA Peugeot Citroën is to extend this use to other fields, like suspension systems components.

"In 2000, PSA needed a CATIA V5 integrated pre- and post-processing solution to optimize new products using Altair OptiStruct," said Julien Guyé, responsible for HyperShape/CATIA and OptiStruct at PSA Peugeot Citroën. "Altair developed HyperShape/CATIA, which was implemented in our development process and is increasingly used today."

"HyperShape/CATIA is very well suited to perform optimization studies, in initial development stages, within the CATIA environment using OptiStruct. The CAD-integrated FEA solution, HyperShape/CATIA, allows us to use the same environment to perform CAD-based pre-processing tasks, submit OptiStruct calculations, retrieve results for post-processing, implement design changes according to the optimization results, and much more. HyperShape/CATIA is a good solution for our development process because it is an efficient and easy to use tool and enables even non-specialists in our development team to carry out optimization calculations and benefit from the results," he adds.

"CAE driven design is one of our philosophies at Altair, and weight reduction is a top priority in the automotive industry," said Mauro Guglielminotti, Managing Director, Altair Engineering, France. "HyperShape/CATIA is a critical enabler for integrated optimization because it helps CATIA V5 design engineers leverage CAE earlier in the design process to bring products to market faster. I'm very pleased to see PSA Peugeot Citroën, a recognized automotive innovator, adopt and expand their use of HyperShape/CATIA to drive their development process and leadership position in the automotive industry."

FISHER/UNITECH Adds uPrintTM Personal 3D Printer and announces Rapid Technology Centers

TROY, Mich. - FISHER/UNITECH announced today it will sell the uPrint Personal 3D Printer, a desktop-sized printer priced under $15,000, from the Dimension 3D Printing Group. The uPrint is the latest addition to the company's offering of rapid technology products, joining the Dimension 3D Printer and the FDM machines from Stratasys, Inc. The uPrint is available for purchase immediately from FISHER/UNITECH throughout North America.

uPrint is designed for desktop printing in an office environment, occupying only a 24 x 26 inch footprint and offering an 8 x 6 x 6 inch build envelope. The uPrint builds models using ABSplus, a material on average 40% stronger than standard ABS plastic. The printer also features a soluble support removal system, allowing for hands-free removal of the support structure. uPrint, offered at $14,900 USD, will reach a new market of designers, engineers, architects, artists and teachers who previously couldn't afford to bring rapid technology in-house.

FISHER/UNITECH has created two Rapid Technology Centers, one in Schaumburg, Illinois, and one in Troy, Michigan. Customers will be able to upload part files to either center and receive consultation on the best process and solution for printing, prototyping or the newest process, direct digital manufacturing. In addition, each center has the capability to produce parts on any of the equipment. These centers will allow customers to identify the most cost efficient machine for their needs. The two centers will service the new uPrint Personal 3D Printer on a nationwide basis.

Invention Machine Unveils Goldfire 5.0 to Accelerate and Sustain Every Day Innovation

New software enables managers to track innovation projects and trends in real time

BOSTON -Invention Machine, a leading provider of innovation software, today announced the launch of Invention Machine Goldfire 5.0 – new task-based innovation software that will accelerate innovation initiatives and help engineers innovate on a daily basis. It will allow managers and users to track enterprise-wide innovation trends and programs in real time. The company also announced that Goldfire users will get unlimited access to online computer-based training courses, including the new Goldfire 5.0 courseware, at no additional cost.

Goldfire 5.0 builds upon Invention Machine's market-leading innovation technology. The software's new user interface provides a flexible approach to innovation as it enables users to navigate through more than a dozen critical innovation tasks — from designing new products and fixing defects to identifying new market opportunities and analyzing technology trends. It allows innovators to define their own innovation tasks, based on the level of problem they are looking to solve, from root cause analysis and function modeling to technology evolution and trend analysis.

In addition, Goldfire 5.0's innovation metrics give executives and managers a snapshot of the company's innovation landscape, trends and program successes as well as detailed view of specific projects with the click of a button.

"Companies are under tremendous pressure to deliver market leading products quickly and cost effectively," said James Todhunter, chief technology officer, Invention Machine. "With Goldfire 5.0's task-based innovation approach, companies can easily operationalize every day innovation and deliver the right products the first time, consistently."

This new innovation platform is designed to easily connect knowledge workers with specific innovation tasks and appropriate workflows. For example, if users are looking for new market opportunities for an existing technology, the software will show users what to look for and expected results as well as guide them through the appropriate steps – from identifying core competencies to analyzing market opportunities. It features the Goldfire Desktop – a dynamic widget that sits on the desktop and details tasks and projects as well as brings the power of Goldfire to the users, even when they are not actively working within the software.

Goldfire 5.0 was designed in collaboration with Invention Machine customers primarily to address their innovation needs and business priorities. Invention Machine engineers also studied customers' innovation ecosystem to better understand the environment in which Goldfire operates and researched usability needs. Participating companies include Lifetime Brands, Baxter Healthcare, ConocoPhillips, Hexcel, Interface and Whirlpool.

Based on customer feedback, Invention Machine has also updated and extended Goldfire courseware to reflect the innovation tasks in release 5.0. All new and existing e-learning courses are being offered to users on active maintenance at no charge.

"Aberdeen's benchmarks show that Best-in-Class companies will continue to invest in innovation technology to help drive product development and growth," said Chad Jackson, vice president, Product Innovation & Engineering, AberdeenGroup. "In fact, nearly 50% of those surveyed in a recent study indicated that they plan to invest in innovation application like Goldfire so they can accelerate and sustain the product innovation process."

Jan 26, 2009

Siemens PLM Software Announces New PLM Initiative to Help Small Businesses Improve Their Customer Responsiveness

New Aberdeen Report Indicates Top Performers Leverage a Comprehensive PLM Toolset to Respond Effectively to Customer Needs

PLANO, Texas - Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division and a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services, today announced a new global initiative and online resource center (www.siemens.com/plm/answers/smb) to show small manufacturing businesses how implementing a PLM strategy can help them better respond to the needs of their customers.

"Since we introduced the Velocity Series™ portfolio, one of the top requests from small to medium size businesses (SMBs) is to provide tools that help them respond more quickly to customer demands," said Bruce Boes, vice president, Global Velocity Series Marketing. "Small businesses have special needs and limited resources, yet they need the ability to provide innovative products rapidly. This initiative focuses on enabling our customers to respond better to their customers so they can turn more ideas into successful products."

A new Aberdeen report indicates that top SMB companies use PLM to respond effectively and efficiently to customer needs.

"Our research shows that a variety of pressures driving product development improvements ultimately tie back to customer responsiveness," said Chad Jackson, Vice President of the Product Innovation practice at Aberdeen. "Unfortunately, these SMB organizations are highly constrained in terms of budgets, timelines and skilled workforce. Our recent studies show that top performing organizations leverage a comprehensive toolset including CAD, CAE, CAM as well as PLM to enable an approach to product development that allows them to respond effectively and quickly to changing customer needs, without sacrificing high performance expectations of their engineering organizations."

In this new initiative, Siemens PLM Software shows customers how to reduce customer delivery by 50 percent, reduce engineering change orders by 40 percent, and save 30 percent in physical prototyping costs.

Siemens PLM Software's top performing SMB customers use PLM to achieve these kinds of savings so they can respond quickly to customer needs.

* Vikram Sirur, managing director at Miven Machine Tools Ltd., said that Siemens PLM Software "is helping us meet customers' requirements in terms of quality, delivery and product performance."
* Luisito Chong, manager of production engineering at Angelus Sanitary Can, said that, "We wanted the productivity gains and the superior visualization that 3D offers so we could continue to meet our customers' requests."
* Bob Schafbuch, assistant vice president of enterprise applications for Integrated DNA Technology's manufacturing locations, said that "it will be much easier to meet the FDA's documentation requirements. This has been such a huge leap for us."

"Siemens PLM Software understands the needs and challenges SMBs face," said Bill McClure, vice president of development for Velocity Series, Siemens PLM Software. "That's why we developed and continue to expand the capabilities of the four products in our Velocity Series SMB suite, which include CAD (Solid Edge®), CAM (CAM Express), CAE (Femap®), and PDM (Teamcenter® Express) software. All the products are modular, yet integrated, easy to implement with the industry's best practices, and scalable to the entire portfolio of Siemens PLM Software solutions. Velocity Series can help SMBs realize the benefits of PLM, while maintaining a low total cost of ownership."

Offered in the online resource center are a variety of tools for assessing one's customer responsiveness, case studies on how other customers have improved responsiveness, as well as multiple videos and industry analyst white papers. Also available are details on capabilities for product development, manufacturing and project management roles play into responding better to customers.

EADS Selects MSC.Software as Major Simulation Partner for Its "PHENIX" PLM Harmonization Strategic Program

SANTA ANA, Calif - MSC.Software (NASDAQ: MSCS), a leading global provider of enterprise simulation solutions, including simulation software and services, announced today that it has been selected by EADS as major partner for Virtual Product Development (VPD) solutions across all EADS business divisions as part of the EADS PHENIX initiative. PHENIX is an EADS group-wide strategic initiative launched in 2007 to achieve harmonization and standardization of enterprise Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) methods, processes and tools across business units. A new partnership agreement was signed between Jean Botti, the EADS Chief Technical Officer and Bill Weyand the MSC.Software CEO on December 18th, 2008.

This harmonization will result in improved communications between EADS divisions, reduced time-to-market and increased overall product quality. EADS has selected MSC.Software as major partner for building up its multidisciplinary simulation backbone strategy. MSC.Software's SimEnterprise product suite, including MD Nastran as well as SimXpert and SimManager are candidates for EADS' common solution for future product development. SimXpert provides a unified, template-enabled multi-discipline user environment and SimManager delivers seamlessly integrated industrial simulation process and content management to streamline the product development process, reduce costs, and improve product quality.

"This approach will improve the global collaboration between the Divisions and among specialists within EADS as an extended enterprise. MSC.Software is becoming major provider for mechanical simulation and key partner to prepare multidisciplinary solutions for future virtual product development. It is an important milestone for the EADS cross-divisional PHENIX program and globally for harmonization of PLM methods, processes and tools between the operational units," said Jean Yves Mondon, Head of the PHENIX program at EADS.

"EADS will benefit tremendously from this new strategic partnership and from the creation of a standardized virtual product development environment for simulation, which leads to more innovation, reduced time-to-market, improved product quality and cost savings," said Jean Botti, Chief Technical Officer.

"We are so pleased that MSC.Software has been selected as major partner for building up the EADS PHENIX enterprise virtual product development solution," said Bill Weyand, chief executive officer, MSC.Software. "This strategic partnership underscores MSC.Software's strength in the virtual product development industry and we look forward to a continued partnership with EADS to further their advancements in achieving a standardized simulation environment."

EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services. In 2007, EADS generated revenues of 39.1 billion and employed a workforce of about 116,000. The Group includes the world leading aircraft manufacturer Airbus, the world's largest helicopter supplier Eurocopter and EADS Astrium, the European leader in space programmes from Ariane and M51 to Galileo. Its Defence & Security Division is a provider of comprehensive systems solutions and makes EADS the major partner in the Eurofighter consortium as well as a stakeholder in the missile systems provider MBDA.

Mentor Graphics DFT Tools Adopted by STMicroelectronics for Advanced IC Testing Solutions

WILSONVILLE, Ore. - Mentor Graphics Corporation (Nasdaq:MENT) today announced that STMicroelectronics has adopted the TestKompress® automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) product into its standard 65nm and 45nm design kits. The new test flow will enable high-quality scan-based production testing for applications such as automotive, cellular infrastructure, and imaging.

"We're benefiting from a very fruitful collaboration to incorporate Mentor Graphics' Design-For-Test (DFT) technology into our advanced nanometer design flows starting at 65nm and below," said Roberto Mattiuzzo, Digital Test Solutions manager of STMicroelectronics' Technology R&D, Central CAD & Design Solutions. "With new failure mechanisms at advanced nodes, limitations on IC pins available for testing, and the need to employ better self-test in the field, the range of emerging testing requirements has significantly increased. We are therefore pleased to add Mentor Graphics in the portfolio of EDA solutions supported by STMicroelectronics in the Design-For-Test area."

The move to smaller geometries introduces new subtle failure mechanisms that can be missed by relying solely on traditional scan testing using only static fault models. Applications that demand the highest quality devices require additional test patterns that specifically target these new failure mechanisms. STMicroelectronics employs a variety of manufacturing tests including timing-aware at-speed tests and layout-aware bridging tests to ensure the quality of their semiconductor products. Mentor's TestKompress compression technology allows these additional tests to be added while at the same time reducing test data volume and test time. STMicroelectronics is also using Mentor DFT tools to add in-system testing to its high-reliability products to enable a fast check of system integrity and simplified trouble-shooting in the field.

"We have taped out a 65nm design with production testing employing Mentor's TestKompress product, which enabled us to meet our rigid target in terms of test coverage," said Angelo Oldani, Design Group Director in Communication Infrastructure Division of Computer and Communication Infrastructure product group, STMicroelectronics. "Mentor's strong cooperation and support also helped us to use the LBISTArchitect product to add logic built-in self test (LBIST), allowing device testing in the real application to ensure reliable operation in demanding end-product applications."

The high compression capabilities of TestKompress can also be used to implement a low-pin count testing strategy, enabling high-quality tests to be applied to a wide variety of components including system in package (SiP) devices with limited pads for testing. Low pin count testing can also be used to enable multi-site testing to increase test throughput. "We're using the high compression advantages of TestKompress to meet our need for very low pin count testing on our imaging ICs," said Jocelyn Moreau, DFT Manager in the Imaging Division, Home Entertainment & Displays group, STMicroelectronics. "We were able to achieve our test coverage and quality goals with as few as three digital pins available on these devices. This approach is accelerating the adoption of high compression scan testing for future designs."

Mentor's DFT product line, the market share leader in digital IC testing, provides a complete solution for advanced digital IC production testing, including scan-based test and BIST logic insertion, ATPG, test pattern debugging, and test failure diagnosis. Mentor's award-winning and patented Embedded Deterministic Test (EDT) technology provides the highest test pattern compression available, addressing the critical requirements of advanced SoC nano-scale designs. Mentor's DFT product line is also the market share leader in digital ATPG.

ISQED'09 to Highlight One Decade of Progress and Upcoming Trends in Electronic Design for Manufacturing & Quality

The 10th Annual International Symposium and Exhibitions on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'09) Program Will Highlight Low Power SoC Design and Verification, Statistical Techniques, and Emerging Technology; Design and Design Automation Trends

SAN JOSE, CA - The upcoming ISQED'09 conference will feature keynote speeches by industry leaders, 23 technical sessions with near 150 papers in three parallel tracks, panel discussions, tutorials and vendor exhibits. The conference will be held on March 16-18, at the Doubletree Hotel in San Jose, Calif.

"ISQED has packed a lot of material into its 10th annual international symposium. The conference is set to provide an enlightening perspective on quality in design and design automation, as well as a market perspective," said one keynote speaker, Jim Elliott, Vice President, Memory Marketing, Samsung Semiconductor, Inc.

ISQED'09 plenary keynoters will offer perspectives from design, process, and tool methodologies point of views. The list of keynote speakers includes:

Chi-Foon Chan -- President and COO, Synopsys

Simon Bloch -- Vice president and General Manager of the Design and Synthesis Division, Mentor Graphics

Jim Elliott -- Vice President of Memory Marketing, Samsung Semiconductor

Rajeev Madhavan -- Chairman and CEO, Magma Design Automation

Terry Ma -- Vice President of Engineering, Synopsys

Peter McGuinness -- Director of Business Development, Imagination Technologies

Mike Smayling -- Senior Vice President, Tala Innovation

Multiple interactive tutorials are available for those who desire in-depth, interactive, and focused insight into the various aspects of electronic design. These tutorials will cover important and diverse topics such as Low Power Variation Tolerant Logic Circuits, Low Power SRAM and FinFet Design, Phase Change Memory, Statistical Techniques for Analog Circuits, 3-D CAD Design/Technology, Multicore Designs, and Design & Verification of Low Power SoCs.

ISQED'09 corporate sponsors include Synopsys, Mentor Graphics, Magma Design Automation, and the Silicon Valley Technical Institute. Media sponsors are EDACafe and Chip Design Magazine. ISQED 2009 is held with technical sponsorship of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, and IEEE CASS, and in cooperation with IEEE Reliability Society, and ACM/SigDA. The conference is produced and sponsored by the International Society for Quality Electronic Design. For more information regarding the tutorials, conference, vendor exhibitions, workshops, and hotel registration visit http://www.isqed.org.

National Taiwan University Receives US$75 Million In-Kind Software Grant from Siemens PLM Software

Enhancements of Research and Training Facilities to Help up to 1,000 Students at National Taiwan University

TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan - Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division and a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services, today announced an in-kind software grant with a commercial value of US$75 million to National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei City, Taiwan. The in-kind grant, the first one that NTU has received from Siemens PLM Software's GO PLM™ (Global Opportunities in Product Lifecycle Management) program, will be deployed for training courses to be available at NTU's future Advanced Manufacturing Centre.

One thousand students and 150 teaching staff will benefit from this software, which will help improve the training standards for students, particularly in the areas of co-design, rapid prototyping, process management and document management software, and hardware equipment of medical devices.

The range of software provided includes PLM applications that are widely used by many multi-national corporations in key industries around the globe. The grant includes NX™ software, Siemens PLM Software's comprehensive digital product development solution; Teamcenter® software, Siemens PLM Software's digital lifecycle management solution and the world's most widely used PLM portfolio; and Tecnomatix® software, Siemens PLM Software's best-in-class digital manufacturing solution.

In addition the grant includes the Teamcenter for Medical Devices solution which was jointly developed by Siemens PLM Software and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading IT services and business solutions and outsourcing firm that possesses in-depth knowledge, expertise and experience of the regulatory needs in the medical gadgetry industry.

"TCS is actively focusing on improving the quality of life by developing products and solutions for Medical Devices & Diagnostics clients globally," said Regu Ayyaswamy, vice president and head, Engineering and Industrial Services of TCS. "We see this collaboration as a key initiative to develop mutual value for NTU, Siemens PLM Software and TCS."

"Through the in-kind grant from Siemens PLM Software, NTU will now be able to set up a cross-teaching and research and development center which will help take our training facilities to the next level," said Yang Tai Hong, director, Biomedical Engineering Institute of Applied Mechanics of National Taiwan University. "From an academic perspective, the move will not only benefit our students training more adequately but is also slated to strengthen our position as the top university in Taiwan by catapulting us farther ahead of other Taiwanese varsities through our improved training capabilities."

"Siemens PLM Software is proud to be associated with National Taiwan University and looks forward to providing the designers and engineers of the future with our industry leading PLM technology," said Chuck Yuan, senior vice president and general manager, Greater China, Siemens PLM Software. "It is apparent that manufacturers today compete on the basis of time to market, product costs, quality and innovation. Through this initiative, we are confident that students from NTU will gain invaluable experience from PLM software technology, which serves to support these key business objectives and helps turn more ideas into successful products."

Siemens PLM Software's technology will also enhance teaching resources, through long-distance Internet learning programs, for I-Shou University, Southern Taiwan University, Kun Shan University, Tajen University, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Yuanpei University, Ming Chuan University and assist in the implementation of industrial convergence.

Siemens PLM Software's GO PLM program, which leads the industry in the commercial value of in-kind grants it provides, brings together four complementary community involvement programs focused on academic partnership, regional productivity, youth and displaced worker development and the PACE (Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education) program. GO PLM provides PLM technology to more than 1,000,000 students yearly at nearly 10,000 global institutions, where it is used at every academic level – from grade schools to graduate engineering research programs. For more information on GO PLM and the partners and programs it supports, visit www.siemens.com/partners/goplm.

National Taiwan University

National Taiwan University (NTU) is a national co-educational university located in Taipei City, Taiwan. In accordance with THES2008 report, NTU is the top ranking university in Taiwan and is ranked 124th in the world rankings. Currently, the university consists of 13 colleges, offers degrees and diplomas in over 100 fields of study, and there are around 33,000 students. For more information, please visit www.ntu.edu.tw/

Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, business solutions and outsourcing organization that delivers real results to global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model, recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata Group, India's largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 120,000 of the world's best trained IT consultants in 50 countries. The Company generated consolidated revenues of US $5.7 billion for the fiscal year ended 31 March, 2008 and is listed on National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India. For more information, visit us at www.tcs.com.

Delcam strengthens dental team

Delcam has appointed Randy Wightman as Vice President for Dental Business Development in North America

Delcam has reinforced its strong commitment to the dental industry with the appointment of Randy Wightman as Vice President for Dental Business Development in North America. He will have full responsibility for developing business for the DentCAD design software and the DentMILL machining system in the region, including both OEM agreements within the industry and direct promotion to dental laboratories.

"Delcam's business in the dental industry is growing rapidly," commented Mr. Wightman. "All our customers value our "open" approach to dental manufacturing under which they can use any combination of scanning system, materials and machining equipment with our software. This is proving to be a welcome alternative to the "closed" systems offered previously by other suppliers, where customers had to purchase all these separate elements from a single source."

Mr. Wightman has been involved with both software and hardware technology for three decades, since gaining a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Utah. Throughout his career, he has worked with brand name OEMs, major accounts, and distribution channel creation and development. In particular, he delivered turnkey systems for major companies like IBM and EDS, and managed major worldwide customers like KEPCO (Korean Electric Power Company), California Highway Patrol, PRASA (Puerto Rico Water Company) and many others.

Commenting on the appointment, Delcam North America President Glenn McMinn said, "In his previous sales and marketing positions at Delcam, Randy was instrumental in setting sales records for the company over the last eleven consecutive years. I am confident that he will be equally successful in developing our business in the North American dental industry."

Jan 22, 2009

Sopheon Partners with Maxsoft to Provide Product Innovation Management Solutions in India

Leading Indian distributor of product engineering tools to market Sopheon’s Accolade® product lifecycle management software and deliver related services

Business development to focus on automotive, aerospace and defense sectors

MINNEAPOLIS and LONDON : Sopheon, the international provider of software and services for product lifecycle management (PLM), announced today that it has established a partnership with Maxrad Software India Pvt Ltd (“Maxsoft”), a leading provider of computer-aided engineering tools. Under the terms of the agreement, Maxsoft will market Sopheon’s Accolade solution throughout India. It will also deliver configuration, implementation and training services related to the software. Maxsoft supplies high-end software tools and solutions to automotive, aerospace and defense manufacturers. The company is based in Bangalore, with branch offices in Pune and New Delhi.

Today’s manufacturers are increasingly dependent upon product innovation for business growth. As a result, product lifecycle management has become one of the most rapidly expanding segments of the global software market. Sopheon’s Accolade is generally acknowledged as best-in-class among PLM solutions designed to support innovation governance and product portfolio management. The software replaces inefficient paper-based processes, automating product innovation and helping companies ensure that the most commercially promising new products get to market cost-effectively and on time. Deployment of Accolade creates a centralized best-practice system that supports decision-making and lifecycle management from a product’s inception as an idea until it is retired from the marketplace.

In commenting on today’s announcement, Rajeev Gopalakrishnan, chief executive officer of Maxsoft, said, “We are extremely happy to partner with Sopheon to bring Accolade into the Indian market. This relationship allows Maxsoft to provide manufacturers throughout India with a solution that will enable them to structure and govern their new product development processes from end to end. The Sopheon system has proven consistently that it can connect with a company’s innovation strategies and provide process automation and decision support that will lead to higher levels of revenue growth and profits from new products. We believe that Sopheon’s Accolade is the right solution at the right time for the Indian market.”

The development phase of product innovation is critical to every manufacturing organization, but of particular importance to automotive, aerospace and defense companies where the cost of program execution is especially high. The achievement of program goals in these industries often requires collaboration among cross-functional teams spread across companies, countries and cultures. Success also hinges on being able to effectively control complex resource and technology dependencies while tightly managing program requirements and risk. Accolade streamlines collaboration, while making program requirements visible with a level of detail that ensures precise, informed, cost-effective program management.

Industry analysts predict that the already strong global demand for product lifecycle management software will continue to grow at double-digit rates through 2012. The market for the software class led by Sopheon’s Accolade is expected to expand at a 17% CAGR. In India, industry experts are reporting a veritable boom in demand for PLM solutions.

“India has declared innovation to be a strategic national priority,” said Huub Rutten, Sopheon’s co-founder. “Companies throughout the country are focused on finding ways to generate maximum value from new and emerging products and technologies, a challenge that is core to Accolade’s value proposition. Maxsoft knows the Indian market for engineering, R&D and product innovation solutions inside out. Their record of success as a distributor, together with the strength of their competencies, experience and contact networks, will accelerate the introduction of Accolade to Indian manufacturers. This is an exciting move for Sopheon.”

Accolade® is a registered trademark of Sopheon plc
Vision Strategisttm is a trademark of Sopheon plc

Maxsoft is a leading, technology-driven, engineering software organization in India, trusted for its quality and commitment to customer satisfaction. For more than 3 years the company has provided a wide range of high-end engineering tools and solutions to leading manufacturers in the automotive, aerospace and defense sectors. Maxsoft's engineering skills help customers build designs from concept through analyses to prototype with emphasis on simulation and analysis. The company is headquartered in Bangalore, with branches in Pune, Delhi and Herne (Germany). For more information, please visit www.maxsoft-india.com.

Sopheon (LSE:SPE) is an international provider of product lifecycle management software and services. Its solutions help organizations increase revenues and profits from new products by synchronizing product planning and innovation process execution. Sopheon’s Accolade® software automates the product innovation process and provides strategic decision support for the management of product portfolios. Its Vision Strategist™ solution automates the roadmapping process, allowing users to visualize and forecast the future of products, markets and technologies. Sopheon’s solutions are used by industry leaders throughout the world, including BAE Systems, BASF, Cadbury Schweppes, Corning, Electrolux, General Motors, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Nestle and SAB Miller. Sopheon is listed on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange and on the Euronext in the Netherlands. For more information, please visit www.sopheon.com.

Lantek brings sheet metal CAD/CAM and ERP to IMTEX 2009

Lantek India, the Bangalore based subsidiary of Lantek of Spain showcased the full range of its CAD/CAM and ERP software for Indian sheet metal manufacturers at IMTEX 2009.

Bangalore, 22 January 2009- Lantek, world leaders in the development and marketing of comprehensive CAD/CAM and ERP solutions for the sheet metal sector, exhibited at the 14th international IMTEX 2009 trade fair (Indian Machine Tool Exhibition), in the Indian city of Bangalore.

The event, held at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC), is organised by the Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) and is one of the sector's most important trade fairs, bringing together the top suppliers of metal cutting machinery, tooling, machining systems, accessories, measuring devices and CAD/CAM solutions.

Supported at the show by the Spanish Machine Tool Manufacturers Association (AFM), Lantek was represented by its subsidiary company Lantek India. The company has been in operation in Bangalore since 2004 delivering Lantek's world class CAD/CAM/ERP solutions for sheet metal profile cutting, and punching to the Indian market.

Lantek used the IMTEX 2009 exhibition to showcase and promote the recently launched version 28 of its Lantek Expert CAD/CAM/ERP software aimed at the sheet metal processing sector, and visitors were able to get a first-hand view of the new functions included the new software

Lantek Expert II V28, the company's CAD/CAM software for sheet metal cutting and punching machines includes some major innovations including major speed improvements, and nesting enhancements aimed at simplifying work processes while optimising resources and increasing user productivity.

Lantek Expert III V28 its business management software, seamlessly integrates with its CAD/CAM systems allowing complete coordination of the production process in a sheet metalworking environment. The system's ERP functionality includes sales, quotations, product management, budgeting, manufacturing, warehousing, workshop validation, purchasing, maintenance, projects and documents. New in V28 are some major enhancements including management of subcontracted items and an improved quotation tool based on .NET technology.

Lantek Flex3D Profiles is a group of solutions for 3D sheet metal part design, sheet metal part folding and tube and profile cutting. Intuitive and easy to use the software enables automatic unfolding and also folding sequence generation. Seamless integration with SolidWorks®, Solid Edge®, and Autodesk Inventor® add to the flexibility of the product.

"IMTEX 2009 is one of the sector's most important fairs and the perfect showcase for us to display our new developments, get to know market trends and share experiences with our customers and with other manufacturers", said Ricardo Gallego, manager of Lantek's Indian office. "I would also like to thank the AFM again on behalf of the whole Lantek team for their support, as it is their cooperation that has enabled us to take part in this event".

Founded in 2004, Lantek India is based in Bangalore and currently employs over 20 people in its technical support, software development and commercial departments. Lantek India is a leading company in the development and marketing of comprehensive CAD/CAM/ERP solutions for the sheet metal sector in India.

Lantek is a leading multinational company which develop CAD/CAM and ERP solutions for the machine tool sector. Its capacity for innovation and its firm faith in internationalisation have enabled Lantek, founded in 1986 in the Basque Country, to become a world reference with its Lantek Expert sheet metal cutting and punching solutions. Today, the company has over 8,300 customers worldwide, its own offices in Spain (Vitoria-Gasteiz), the USA, Germany, Argentina, Italy, the UK, China, South Korea, France, Japan, India, Poland, Mexico, Turkey and the Czech Republic, and a network of distributors in over 90 different countries. In 2007, 80% of its income derived from its business abroad.