
Jul 20, 2011

SoftInWay introduces a free webinar "Comprehensive Introduction to SoftInWay: AxSTREAM, Consulting, Fundamentals and Design Training Courses"

Burlington, MA – SoftInWay Inc., an innovative engineering company that provides software products, CFD and FEA services and training in the areas of research, design, retrofit and digital prototyping of turbomachinery organized a free webinar to introduce the company, software, as well as offer a preview into upcoming training seminars such as:

Fundamentals Training Courses (describes the key principles of design and operation - Axial Turbine Track);
AxSTREAM Workshop Training Courses (provide participants with a practical understanding of design and optimization of flow paths for turbomachinery equipment using AxSTREAM – Centrifugal Compressor Track).

During this webinar, you will learn more about the team and history of SoftInWay and AxSTREAM. You will also get an in-depth preview of the Fundamental Training Course and of the AxSTREAM workshop from one of our instructors. “We have been performing turbomachinery fundamentals and practical design trainings for some time now and we want to open the doors inside to our classrooms. By doing this preview, we hope to show the depth, usefulness and quality of contents which we teach. I am confident that this webinar will demonstrate to the engineering community the importance of a deep and disciplined understanding of turbomachinery design as well as how using advanced tools can make a significant difference on the engineering process, budgets and efficiency” said Dr. Leonid Moroz, President & CEO of SoftInWay Inc.

To register, please visit http://www.softinway.com/education/webinar.asp