
Jul 19, 2011

ACTRAN release 12.0 now available

Free Field Technologies is very proud to announce the ACTRAN 12 release, bringing to the market major new features such as the modal/physical hybrid coupling, staggered solution techniques, improved superelement import, transfer admittance with grazing mean flow, periodic boundary conditions and evaluation of reaction forces. All these new features are consistently supported through an extended input syntax (EDAT). The ACTRAN/VI GUI, which can now be run in batch mode thanks to an easy-to-learn python-based scripting language, also benefits from an improved look and feel as well as picking and selection tools.

Utilities have also been added to the ACTRAN suite: automatic recombination for symmetric/anti-symmetric models, broadband noise calculations for multiple loadcases duct modes excitations, automatic handling of flow properties for convected acoustics on duct modal bases and infinite domains, convergence analysis w.r.t. the interpolation order in infinite elements, improved FWH solver for ACTRAN DGM, ...

FFT believes that this new version extends the modeling capabilities of ACTRAN and enables considerable performance gains for most applications.