
Apr 14, 2011

CimatronE to Offer Background Toolpath Calculation

GIVAT SHMUEL - Cimatron Limited, announced today that the newest version of CimatronE will offer Background Calculations, enabling NC programmers to complete projects a lot faster and be more responsive to changes and urgent shop floor needs.

The introduction of Background Calculations means that there will be no need to wait for toolpath processing to finish, as users will be able to continue normal work on a project while the computer calculates procedures in the background.

This will allow users to be far more productive. While a rough calculation for an area is being calculated, users will be able to start work on a second rough, or on a procedure for a different area of the part. Users will also be able to verify, simulate and generate G-code for existing procedures and make changes to geometry in the CAD environment. Users will also be able, as before, to open several different sessions of CimatronE simultaneously.

"We make sure that our customers always have a competitive edge by empowering them to take advantage of the most advanced technologies as soon as they become available," said Roy Sterenthal, Cimatron's VP of research and development. "Recently, we have introduced Multi-core Processing and 64-Bit Support to CimatronE. These introductions, together with the new Background Calculation capability, make our users more productive and help them to handle their jobs better."

Cimatron also recently announced that its new Productivity Acceleration Device for NC Programmers – The SuperBox - will be released in parallel with CimatronE 10.0. The SuperBox, a combined hardware/software solution, greatly reduces the load on individual workstations, while increasing NC calculation speed to instantly boost NC productivity.

"CimatronE 10.0's background calculations and the SuperBox have reduced the time that our workstations are occupied with toolpath calculations by 50%. This has allowed us to increase the efficiency of our NC programming," said Mr. Christian Stolle of the NC programming department at Pakulla GmbH. Pakulla is an experienced tool shop located in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany.