
Feb 16, 2011

Intergraph PV Elite pressure vessel and exchanger training scheduled for March 7-9 in Houston

HOUSTON, Texas – Intergraph will conduct PV Elite Productivity Training on March 7-9, 2011 in Houston, Texas, covering design, analysis, fabrication, and re-rating for pressure vessels, tall towers or exchangers.

During the course, experienced PV Elite developers will provide insights into best practices and how codes and standards affect the final design. Participants will work on case studies using vessel and heat exchanger models.

The course will cover internal and external pressure, analysis of stresses due to loads on nozzles, flange and nozzle design and analysis, wind and seismic loads, rigging analysis, fitness for service and more. Attendees receive 2.1 Continuing Education Units upon completion of the course.

For information on the course, visit http://coade.typepad.com/coadeinsider/2011/01/pv-elite-productivity-training-march-7-9-2011-houston-tx.html.