
Nov 19, 2010

Hankook to promote design solutions at seminar in Seoul

Hankook Delcam, Delcam’s joint venture in Korea, will present the company’s range of software for product design at a seminar at the Grand Intercontinental Hotel, Seoul, on 9th December. The seminar, which is being organised jointly by UKTI and the Korea Institute of Design Promotion, is being held coincident with the Design Korea exhibition where Hankook Delcam will be part of the UKTI stand.

At both the seminar and the exhibition, Hankook Delcam will promote Tribrid Modelling, Delcam’s unique, patented approach to design that adds triangle modelling to the solid and surface modelling options that are available in other modelling systems. It gives the ability to add triangle files of logos, branding, textures or other 3D decorations onto the surfaces of CAD models. This effect is rather like sliding a transfer over the surface of an object, with the added advantages that the decoration can be scaled or stretched to fit any given area, and that the result is fully three-dimensional.

Tribrid Modelling also allows Boolean operations to be carried out between triangle models and either surfaces or solids. For many years, Delcam’s PowerSHAPE was one of very few CAD systems able to perform Boolean operations between solids and surfaces. The ability to perform similar addition, subtraction and merge operations with triangles as well makes the software even more flexible.

This extra flexibility makes the software ideal for the conversion of standard shapes into distinctive designs through the addition of textures, images and logos in 3D. Typical applications include packaging, toys, electrical housings and all other types of plastic moulding.

Hankook Delcam has already had some success in this market with Korean manufacturing giant LG Electronics recently introducing its first mobile phone designed with the Tribrid Modelling software. The Waffle phone features a surface texture created in the ArtCAM artistic CADCAM program, wrapped around the body of a phone design produced with the PowerSHAPE CAD software. It is expected to be the first of a number of new models that will use the Delcam software to create the distinctive designs needed to build market share in the highly competitive and fashion-conscious mobile phone market.

This was an important success for Hankook Delcam, which was previously better known for the success in machining that has made it the largest CAM company in Korea. With companies including Samsung, Daewoo and Hyundai expected to attend the seminar, it will provide a good opportunity to promote the design side of the business.

Of course, customers that add Delcam’s design software will receive the same comprehensive training and support that has made Hankook Delcam so successful with its machining solutions. The value of these services was seen in the speed with which LG was able to introduce its first design with the new software.