
Nov 30, 2011

MSC Software Announces its New Research Assist Program

Researchers around the world are taking innovation to the next level with engineering simulation.

MSC Software Corporation today announced a new Research Assist Program that assists global researchers and academicians with extraordinary credentials in applying simulation technology at no charge in an effort to take their research and development initiatives to the next level.

Researchers and academicians can apply for Research Assist Program at the following website:

The program is intended to stimulate innovation by enabling qualified researchers and academicians to utilize and apply MSC Software technology with no cost burden to further develop their scientific research. These individuals will experience a close partnership with MSC to ensure that their research is successful and to achieve their maximum potential in applying computer modeling and analysis to projects.

"We are very excited to introduce the Research Assist Program," said Dominic Gallello; President & CEO of MSC Software. "MSC has always been focused on expanding the boundaries of engineering simulation for engineers and scientists. In partnership with some of the most promising researchers around the world, we look to continue this tradition."

Many researchers are already benefiting from the use of MSC's simulation technology in areas like composite materials research, blast and impact simulations.

"MSC Software's Marc nonlinear software has played a major role in supporting our research in advanced composites development of nonlinear solid-shell elements, as well as conventional and emerging material models," said Professor Jeong Whan Yoon at Swinburne University in Australia.

"MSC Software's support has been essential to our research in the areas of blast and impact protection of structures such as suspension bridges and buildings," said Professor Hassan Astaneh at the University of California at Berkeley. "By using some of the most advanced multidisciplinary simulation tools in MSC Nastran, we have been able to develop new, innovative technologies to increase safety margins."

To qualify for the Research Assist Program, researchers must be enrolled in an accredited Masters, PhD or post doctoral program or involved in a non-profit research project at a recognized research lab or institution. Candidates should submit the topic of their research project with an abstract to MSC Software Corporation and agree to the terms and conditions of the program to complete the qualification process. The MSC Software review board will evaluate the abstracts on a continual basis and each year, twelve qualified candidates will be selected worldwide and granted software products at no charge. Winners will be notified quarterly, and others may re-apply to the program for later consideration.

Tata Technologies Supports Fisker Automotive Green EV Success with PLM Solutions Implementation, Training

Tata Technologies, a global leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and Engineering Services Outsourcing (ESO) announced that it is providing PLM solutions implementation, and training in those solutions, to premium green automobile manufacturer Fisker Automotive, with the deployment of CATIA® and ENOVIA® from Dassault Systemes.

Fisker Automotive utilized CATIA for virtual design and ENOVIA for product data management and collaboration in the development of its Karma and Surf models.

"We are proud to have successfully delivered highly-stylized vehicles while achieving all our eco-requirements," said Mikael Elley, director of Fisker IT, in a public announcement earlier this month. "The standardized collaborative design methods enabled through CATIA and managed by ENOVIA SmarTeam help to save us time and money, as well as encourage innovation and sharing of labor among our globally-dispersed teams."

We are proud to have played a role in the successful launch of these unique eco-luxury vehicles," said Craig Radomski, Tata Technologies Vice President PS, NA. "With the successful launch of the Karma and Surf, Fisker has experienced the importance of a tightly integrated product development solution and we look forward to supporting the company as it goes forward in producing new designs."

Tata Technologies takes an all-inclusive approach to PLM by ensuring that its clients have access to the right people, tools, and skills required. Tata Technologies provides training, technology implementation, and professional services to perfectly align clients’ business objectives with project requirements. Tata Technologies professionals help clients create better products that benefit people.

CATIA and ENOVIA are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the US and other countries.

CERN purchases multi-user licenses for COMSOL Multiphysics

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research and the world’s leading laboratory for particle physics, has purchased a multi-user license for COMSOL Multiphysics and a number of its add-on modules. Through this licensing agreement, this software is now available CERN wide for engineers and researchers. COMSOL Multiphysics enables them to conduct real-world simulations of any physics-based system during research, system design and development.

CERN is run by 20 European Member States, but many non-European countries are also involved, and scientists come from around the world to use CERN’s facilities. The Laboratory’s scientific and technical staff design and build particle accelerators and ensure their smooth operation; they also help prepare, run, analyze and interpret the data from complex scientific experiments. CERN has a permanent staff of 2500 researchers along with some 9500 visiting scientists who represent 608 universities and 113 nationalities.

“CERN attracts the world’s top scientists and researchers, and we are extremely gratified that these experts recognize COMSOL as one of the leading modeling codes and have asked to have CERN add this software to its arsenal of tools,” says Dr. Sven Friedel, Managing Director of COMSOL’s Zurich office, which handled the transaction. “This purchase clearly confirms the value of our software in assisting in the development and running of the world’s largest scientific experiments.”

COMSOL has enjoyed a growing interest at CERN. Pierre Baehler, Manager of the CAD/CAE Support Team for the organization, notes that “the use of COMSOL products started in 2007 when one user purchased an individual license. He was very successful with it, his colleagues got interested in it and not long thereafter a few more licenses were acquired. Meanwhile, though, we see graduate students and researchers who have worked with COMSOL products at their universities coming to CERN for their research. Following an increasing number of requests from them and CERN researchers, our engineering software selection committee decided to purchase concurrent network licenses which allow a wider access to the tool. COMSOL clearly has the potential to become an important tool for engineering applications at CERN.”

“One aspect that makes COMSOL so attractive to these users is its flexibility,” so explains Bernardo Bordini, a researcher who previously used the software while at Fermilab (Chicago, IL) was also the first COMSOL license at CERN. “Here at CERN we’re dealing with very non-conventional problems. For instance, in my studies of the magneto-thermo stability of superconductors, we are pushing the Maxwell Equations into a very nonlinear region. We thus need to modify the standard equations, and COMSOL allows me to do exactly that. In addition, we strongly rely on the software’s multiphysics capabilities. For example in some of our systems where we are sending current from room ambient temperature into a cryogenic environment, we have to closely examine the interplay of heat transfer, structural dynamics and electromagnetic effects. It’s not easy to find other software that can do it this well”.

The multiphysics capabilities of COMSOL are also attractive to Rob Veenhof, who is a Convenor of the simulation group of RD51, an international consortium of 73 universities and research laboratories from 25 countries working on the study of gas-based detectors. Besides research, the group also conducts courses around the world that introduce simulation tools to PhD students and postdocs within the collaboration, and such a course was recently conducted at CERN. Says Veenhof, “COMSOL is one of the finite-element packages we use to produce field maps that we then input into our own Garfield simulator. Further, COMSOL makes it far easier to study the onset of ‘streamers’. Here we work with some differential equations, which we can input directly into the software.” Veenhof adds that they are also studying very damaging gas discharges in the detectors and look forward to using the Plasma Module, which he now has access due to the new licensing agreement.

Yet another CERN experiment where COMSOL was of benefit is CMS, one of the particles detector in the Large Hadron Collider, an underground particle collider with a circumference of 27 km. Here, Bertrand Baudouy of CEA (the French Atomic Energy Commission) used the software to help design the cryogenic cooling system that keeps the magnet of CMS at -269°C (4 K). Baudouy notes that “I can now design the cooling tubes for a superconducting magnet in a week or so, work that previously took two to three months.”

No limit on the number of cores

Returning to CERN’s decision to purchase the software, Pierre Baehler adds, “Another factor that was attractive was the fact that a single network license allows CERN to run a COMSOL job on any number of cores or a compute cluster. This contrasts to many other products with a per-core licensing scheme. Not having a limit to the number of cores is extremely convenient for us because we are constantly upgrading and expanding our compute resources. There’s no need to acquire more licenses, we can instead run the software on new hardware and make use of the full compute capacity as soon as the hardware is installed.”

COMSOL’s Friedel, who has been assisting CERN researchers in fully exploiting the software, summarizes the collaboration this way: “At CERN, the world’s leading researchers are pushing the state of the art in a number of disciplines and in modeling. It’s clear that COMSOL is a technology enabler that allows them to truly unleash their creativity. This fits in exactly with COMSOL’s culture of intensively working with its users to drive innovation on both sides. We look forward to seeing more CERN researchers joining our very active community.”

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, operates the world’s leading laboratory for particle physics. Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the universe is made of and how it works. Founded in 1954, CERN has become a prime example of international collaboration, with currently 20 Member States. Additional nations from around the globe also contribute to and participate in the research programs.

ElectronVault Creates Next Generation of Energy Storage With Autodesk Software

Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program Helps Start-Up Improve Battery Packs for Applications From Electric Scooters to Lighting Remote Villages.

What has kept electric cars out of the mainstream for the past several decades? Most experts believe it has been deficiencies with battery technology. Now startup ElectronVault is closing in on solutions to some of the cost and performance problems that have hampered the energy storage industry in general, and the electric vehicle in particular, with help from Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK) software.

ElectronVault uses Digital Prototyping technology powered by Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Vault Professional software received through its membership in the Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program to create a reliable, safe, affordable and sustainable method of building and managing dense electrical storage systems such as car or grid batteries.

Rather than needing a different, specialty battery cell for each application, ElectronVault’s large-scale battery packs use the same types of batteries found inside digital cameras or laptops across all applications. The difference is in scale. A battery pack for an electric car might contain more than 6,000 commodity battery cells, while a pack to provide backup power for a housing development might contain millions. By mixing commodity cell prices with ElectronVault’s proprietary management technologies, battery pack costs are halved when compared to other offerings.

“Electric vehicles have been around for decades, but their Achilles heel has always been expensive and short-lived batteries,” said ElectronVault CEO Rob Ferber, who previously designed batteries for Tesla Motors and AC Propulsion. “Our business was formed to design battery packs that can be easily serviced in the field by changing out components that can later be repurposed or recycled. Autodesk Inventor was critical in this process, enabling us to reduce design and prototyping time by up to 75 percent.”

By using Autodesk Inventor software to cut costs and speed time to market, ElectronVault has been able to prototype systems with greater efficiency. The company uses the software to design, simulate and refine battery packs that allow trained technicians to quickly swap out a few depleted cells within a large pack—similar to the way sparkplugs are replaced in traditional automobiles. ElectronVault also uses Autodesk Vault Professional data management software to share files with its network of partners and domestic suppliers.

ElectronVault, founded by a husband and wife team of Caltech alumni serial entrepreneurs, has deployed battery systems across the world. Together with SunPods, another participant in the Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program, ElectronVault designed a low-carbon power system for rural communities that collects solar power during the day and stores it for consumption at night. An initial system was recently installed in South Africa.

“We often are asked by national government officials about how they can better secure their grid infrastructure and electrify certain regions of their countries for the first time,” said Linda Maepa, who serves as ElectronVault’s COO, and CEO of ElectronVault Energy Systems, the company’s infrastructure energy storage subsidiary in Johannesburg, South Africa. “It’s these sorts of big problems with immense impact that drive us. The Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program has helped us immeasurably with access to incredible software that enables us to respond to customer and partner requests on a much faster timeline.”

“Autodesk’s Clean Tech Partner Program is providing entrepreneurial clean technology companies with the tools they need to make a difference in the world,” said Robert “Buzz” Kross, senior vice president, Manufacturing Industry Group at Autodesk. “ElectronVault is a powerful example of one of these forward-thinking companies that is working to advance transportation with its unique approach to energy storage.”

About the Clean Tech Partner Program

The Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program supports the efforts, innovations and environmental advancements of clean technology pioneers, providing world-class software to design, visualize and simulate their ideas through Digital Prototyping. Clean tech companies in North America, Europe, Japan, and Singapore are invited to apply to receive up to $150,000* worth of software for only $50. Access to a collection of Autodesk industry-leading software includes up to five licenses each of Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate, AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite, Autodesk Simulation Mechanical, Autodesk Inventor Publisher and Autodesk Vault Professional software. Get more information.

About ElectronVault

ElectronVault invents and licenses technologies that enable large-scale battery systems to be manufactured, sold and serviced at mass-market price targets. For more information, visit http://electronvault.com/.

Key customers and ESI experts will speak at the Japanese User Forum PUCA 2011

The program will focus on ground transportation, energy and heavy industry.

ESI Group, pioneer and world-leading solution provider in virtual prototyping for manufacturing industries, announces the program of the 22nd Japan user forum, PUCA 2011, which will take place in Tokyo, Japan, 5 & 6 December 2011.

During the event, ESI customers from around the world will speak of how virtual prototyping addresses key industrial challenges, specifically in the ground transportation, energy and heavy industries.

On December 5, the opening session will feature a presentation by keynote speaker Eric Landel of Renault, global automotive manufacturer, on the topic of ‘How numerical simulation helps support the automotive industry in times of new challenges’.

Engineer and inventor Yoshinobu Sawamoto will then make a keynote address on the implementation of simulation at TAKATA Corporation, a leading manufacturer of automotive safety systems (airbags, seat belts, child restraints, etc) and interior equipment (from textile to electronics).

Finally, keynote speaker, physicist and ESI Scientific Committee member Franck Delplace from EDF will focus on energy, delivering a presentation on ‘Challenges for the Energy Industry in the 21st Century’, addressing the global issue of increasing energy demand and decreasing supply, and touching on how virtual prototyping has a role to play in bringing new solutions.

PUCA 2011 will then split into three parallel sessions, addressing industry specific issues and bringing together sector specific experts in the fields of manufacturing and performance testing in the Transportation sector, Energy, and Heavy Industry. Subjects as diverse as Multi-disciplinary optimization of car hood panel design for pedestrian safety and commentary on the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant will be addressed by speakers from Japan and overseas.

To complete the first day, on December 5, a gala dinner will provide an agreeable and informal setting for all participants to network, discuss and exchange information. Informal demonstrations of immersive 3D tool IC.IDO, ESI’s new Virtual Reality Solution, will run in parallel to the conferences during both days.

On 6 December, the program will be organized around the different trades in which ESI has proven expertise: Virtual Manufacturing (sheet metal forming, casting, welding, heat treatment and composite materials), Virtual Performance (crash, safety, NVH, passenger comfort, and biomechanics), and Virtual Environment (acoustics, electro-magnetics and fluid flow). Conferences will be animated by ESI domain experts and industry customers, including Y-TEC corporation, Nissan Motor Co., H-ONE, UBE Industries, Mitsubishi Motors, Toyota Boshoku Corporation, TS TECH Co., Ltd., Chuden Engineering Consultants, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Isuzu Advanced Engineering Center, Ltd., National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Samsung Techwin, National Food Research Institute (NFRI), and NEC Saitama, Ltd. Academic speakers will represent Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tohoku Gakuin University, Nihon University, Hiroshima University, Okayama Prefectural University, Seikei University, and Hongik University. More than 70 presentations will be delivered during the 2 day forum.

PUCA 2011 will take place on 5 & 6 December, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Shinjuku area, Tokyo. For further information, please visit www.esi-group.com/PUCA2011

Autodesk Agrees to Acquire Horizontal Systems

Acquisition Extends and Accelerates Autodesk Cloud-Based BIM (Building Information Modeling) Solutions for Collaboration, Data and Lifecycle Management.

Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSK) announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Horizontal Systems, a provider of innovative cloud-based Building Information Modeling (BIM) collaboration solutions for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to close in Autodesk’s fourth quarter of fiscal 2012 (which ends on Jan. 31, 2012). Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Horizontal Systems technology will be an important contributor to the Autodesk 360 for BIM vision for collaboration, data and lifecycle management, which was announced yesterday at Autodesk University (see related release). The acquisition of Horizontal Systems will help accelerate the movement of BIM to the cloud by providing users with the ability to more easily access and coordinate multi-discipline project data wherever and whenever it is needed throughout the entire project lifecycle.

“Horizontal Systems technology will help accelerate our Autodesk 360 for BIM capabilities by allowing multi-discipline teams to more easily communicate and synchronize information--helping reduce waste and errors during the design and construction of AEC projects and leading to faster, more efficient project delivery,” said Jim Lynch, vice president, Architecture, Engineering and Construction Solutions, Autodesk. “The integration of Horizontal Systems technology with other Autodesk BIM solutions will streamline business processes and workflows for increased efficiency, improved profitability, and higher quality outcomes for both Autodesk and Horizontal Systems customers.”

Horizontal Glue brings BIM to the cloud with technology that supports multi-discipline model collaboration and intelligent object data exchange for the building and infrastructure industries. This approach enables architects, engineers, owners and builders across the globe to collaborate in real time in over 40 different 3D formats, while providing a solution to distribute BIM data into external business systems.

“Autodesk has long been a valued business partner, sharing our dedication to advancing BIM across multi-discipline teams, workflows, and projects,” said Jordan Brandt, CEO and Cofounder at Horizontal Systems. “Our customers will experience the benefit of ‘gluing’ together Horizontal Systems’ cloud technology with the comprehensive portfolio of Autodesk BIM software. The Autodesk 360 for BIM vision is a perfect fit for our customers, as this integrated and flexible strategy makes it easier than ever for everyone to collaborate.”

Autodesk intends to integrate Horizontal Systems solutions into its Autodesk 360 for BIM solution. During the transition, Autodesk will continue to fully support existing Horizontal Systems customers.

Business Outlook

This transaction is expected to have no impact on guidance issued on Nov. 15, 2011.

A-dec Revolutionizes Dental Equipment With Help From Autodesk Software

Creating Digital Prototypes With Autodesk Inventor Helps Award-Winning Dental Manufacturer Save Time and Money.

Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSK) has named A-dec, Inc. — a leading manufacturer of dental chairs and equipment — as Autodesk Inventor of the Month for November 2011, recognizing its use of Autodesk software to more effectively design and develop products and generate technical documentation, such as user manuals and service guides, for its popular dentistry products.

A-dec’s award-winning dental equipment can be found in the White House, ships at sea, more than 100 countries and 90 percent of dental schools throughout the United States and Canada. Founded in 1964, the family-owned, Oregon-based company is one of the world’s leading dental equipment solution providers and a one-stop shop for cutting-edge, configured to order dental equipment systems.

To design new products and help ensure all parts operate smoothly within a dental system, A-dec relies on Autodesk Inventor Digital Prototyping software that allows the company to validate product designs prior to physical prototyping, integrate system components easily with the use of assembly simulations and cut time to market significantly.

Using Inventor software, A-dec engineers can bring innovative ideas to life in a 3D model. And given the complex and integrative nature of A-dec’s dental equipment, Inventor helps engineers quickly determine whether and how one component will work within the greater equipment system. For example, before a single part is manufactured, engineers can look at digital prototypes of entire assemblies and systems to help ensure all parts connect and move smoothly.

“The digital prototype is our primary design tool,” says Patrick Berry, staff engineer in product development at A-dec. “With Inventor software, we can integrate everything in one place and see a complete prototype before anything is built. We’re getting to a more perfect physical prototype much faster. Also, now that we have incorporated Autodesk Product Design Suite, it has enabled us to further enhance our workflow.”

Autodesk 3ds Max, Inventor Publisher and Vault Software Further Simplify Documentation

For several years, the A-dec Technical Communications team has been importing Autodesk Inventor models into Autodesk 3ds Max rendering and animation software to create photorealistic illustrations for its publications. This allows the team to begin illustration work well before they have a physical product to work with and allows time to evaluate and improve documents before they go to translation. The realistic images require less textual explanation, improving usability of the documents and reducing translation costs.

A-dec has also started exploring Autodesk Inventor Publisher software, supplied by Autodesk partner IMAGINiT Technologies, as part of its workflow. Inventor Publisher is innovative, easy-to-use technical documentation software for creating 2D printed and 3D interactive product documentation.

A-dec plans to move many documentation and instruction-related projects to Inventor Publisher, and expects significant efficiency gains in preparing exploded view drawings and training animations. Historically, these tasks would have required many hours from the technical publication department to work with Inventor files created by the engineering department, filter the model or images, and then complete the work in other software applications. With Inventor Publisher, eliminated and streamlined tasks will allow these projects to be completed with a fraction of the effort previously required.

A-dec is testing the free* Inventor Publisher Viewer app for viewing on mobile devices — this could allow the consumers of A-dec’s documentation, such as field service technicians and dentists, to access rich interactive 3D Inventor Publisher content right from their mobile devices. This digital publishing option can provide A-dec customers relevant 3D information right at their fingertips, without having to rely on a hard copy manual.

In addition, A-dec engineers use Autodesk Vault data management software to manage all data related to the digital prototype. With many engineers working concurrently and designing parts that must ultimately interconnect, Vault software lets the engineers know they’re always designing and building interfaces around the most up-to-date parts. Vault software also makes it possible for stakeholders in different departments and locations to leverage the digital prototype and its built-in information. External vendors use the digital model to create tools and cast parts.

“With its use of Inventor and other Autodesk solutions, A-dec is extending the power of Digital Prototyping beyond the engineering department to other parts of the company,” said Robert “Buzz” Kross, senior vice president, Manufacturing Industry Group at Autodesk. “The more ways A-dec can efficiently benefit from a single digital model within the organization, the more the company can increase productivity, reduce costs and dramatically improve their own customers’ experience with their products.”

About the Autodesk Inventor of the Month Program

Each month, Autodesk selects an Inventor of the Month from the users of Autodesk Inventor software, which takes manufacturers beyond 3D to Digital Prototyping. Winners are chosen for engineering excellence and groundbreaking innovation. For more information about Autodesk Inventor of the Month, contact us at IOM@autodesk.com.

My Robot Nation Launches First Service to Bridge Consumer Creativity with Z Corporation 3D Printing

Design Your Own Robot Collectible in 3D on the Web and Have It Delivered to Your Door.

My Robot Nation™, a pioneer in bridging creativity and emerging technologies, today announced the official launch of the world's first consumer-friendly digital-to-actual 3D creation service, just in time for the holidays!

www.MyRobotNation.com allows anyone, regardless of artistic or computer skills, to quickly and easily create their own totally unique custom robot collectible online, then have it made real with full-color 3D printing and delivered to their door!

With an engaging and easy-to-use interface designed by veteran game industry creatives, My Robot Nation leverages its proprietary (patents pending) online browser technology with WebGL™ 3D graphics to provide a fun and playful creation process that allows everyone to instantly access the exciting, futuristic power of 3D printing.

The robot you create is completely unique: more than 9 billion possible combinations of body shapes, limbs, color, decals and attachments exist. Your personalized creation is then made real through high-quality, full-color 3D printing by premier 3D printers, Offload Studios (Vancouver, BC), and mailed directly to your home. My Robot Nation uses Z Corporation's (Burlington, MA) cutting-edge, environmentally friendly 3D printing technology – the fastest, most affordable in the industry – to make the high-quality ceramic-like collectibles the ultimate, personalized holiday gift.

My Robot Nation is a champion of revolutionary technology that facilitates creativity, as first recognized by Google® when the service was featured as an exclusive Beta on the Google® Chrome® Web Store. My Robot Nation brings a new sense of high-tech cool to this holiday season, combining technology with personal creativity in a completely accessible way. In preparation for the holidays, My Robot Nation has included a gifting option that allows you to make a present of the creation experience. This holiday season, give your favorite people something utterly unique: a custom robot collectible they design themselves, then can hold in their hand – a taste of the future of personalized manufacturing made possible through 3D printing.

"As a fangeek of all things future-tech, I'm blown away by My Robot Nation," said Bob Goodman, Emmy Award-winning writer-producer of Warehouse 13™, Batman® Beyond, Justice League® and Batman: The Animated Series. "The idea that you can design your own robot – and they'll 3D print it and mail it to you in a matter of days – is incredible. The interface is easy and intuitive, and the design is gorgeous and fun – it's a killer app for 3D printing!"

Once created, each robot is showcased online in the My Robot Nation gallery, where a community of creators can share and compare designs, "like" and promote robots, and share robot photos on Facebook®, Twitter®, and Google+. Users can even repurpose shared designs from other members as a starting place to create their own robots and add to their Robot Nation. News, featured robots and special promotions are tweeted regularly from @myrobotnation on Twitter.

"At My Robot Nation, we believe that everyone is creative, and everyone can create – we all just need a fun and easy way to get started. YouTube®, Facebook and Twitter show us how creative everyone can be digitally – we're giving people an amazing new way to bring that creativity into the real world," said Sarah W. Stocker, co-founder of My Robot Nation. "Robots are only the beginning – the My Robot Nation platform is designed to be flexible and allow for the creation and customization of objects of any type. 3D printing is a revolution in creation – we want everyone to have access to it!"

"WebGL allows us to create and manipulate 3D objects right in your Chrome browser in real-time – something that was previously only possible in PC applications or consoles games. We're using that power and flexibility to connect people with real-world object creation through 3D printing, one of the most potentially world-changing emerging technologies," said Mark Danks, co-founder of My Robot Nation.

"Being featured during the launch of the Chrome Web Store was an incredible opportunity for a start-up or any developer. With Chrome's rocketing adoption rate and the incredible support and openness of the Google® Chrome team, any developer should be looking to Chrome as a great solution for their apps."

As part of its launch, My Robot Nation is offering limited-edition holiday robot designs for the gift-giving season – it's the ultimate, unique holiday gift! Pricing details and videos showcasing the robot creation process can be found at www.myrobotnation.com and through the My Robot Nation app on the Chrome Web Store.

TFTLABS - A New Player in the Cloud Computing Business

CAD and Interoperability Veterans just announced the birth of TFTLABS S.A.S, a newly formed company dedicated to 3D Open solutions for Cloud Computing in the Manufacturing Market. With more than 20 years of experience in the CAx area, the team led by Francois Chretien as CEO and Chief Scientist and Jean Luc Brocard as COO will bring to the Manufacturing companies innovative tools and solutions within the Cloud Computing Environment.

“Our C.O.S. concept, which stands for Communication , Openness and Scalability , is a revolutionary Web-based paradigm that is for all the desktop viewing and interoperability software, what is Google Docs for Microsoft Office. It has been a complete rethinking of the 3D approach to comply with the Cloud Computing fast growing market. We are proud to announce today that the major CAD formats are already available in our offer. “Openness” in our solutions will not be the buzzword misused by many. Thanks to our disruptive technology, each company will be able to customize its own solution very easily and master its strategic 3D data assets forever.” says Francois Chretien .

“ We have been asked by many companies to provide them with tools that do not require heavy installation or maintenance as well as very aggressive pricing and TCO due to crisis situation . We have already fruitful contacts with CAD editors and Services Companies who are very interested in our Cloud solutions” adds Jean Luc Brocard.

3D Systems Delivers Affordable New Desktop Printer

New ProJet™ 1000 Makes High-Resolution Accessible To Professionals and Students Alike.

3D Systems Corporation (NYSE: DDD) today announced the immediate availability of its new ProJetTM 1000 personal 3D printer. Priced at $10,900, this printer makes high-resolution, durable plastic parts accessible and affordable to educators, students and professionals alike. The new ProJetTM 1000 printer will be on display at Euromold, November 29th – December 2nd, 2011 at the Frankfurt Messe Center, Hall 11, Booth F110, and can be purchased through 3D Systems’ global network of authorized resellers.

The new ProJetTM 1000 prints high-resolution durable plastic parts right in the office or classroom. This affordable printer delivers beautiful ivory colored, snap-fit, plastic parts with excellent fine feature detail and smooth surface finish at print speeds over three times faster than other 3D printers in its class.

“We are excited to offer a new, economical personal 3D printer that prints precision, high-performance parts,” said Buddy Byrum, Senior Director, 3D Printing for 3D Systems. “The ProJetTM 1000 is a game changing 3D printer designed specifically for cost-conscious designers that need true-to-design functional test products.”

HP Powers Move to Cloud for Enterprises and Service Providers

HP today announced new Cloud Solutions that advance deployment of private, public and hybrid clouds, enabling enterprises, service providers and governments to capitalize on emerging market opportunities.

With thousands of successful cloud deployments, HP has helped clients get the best of a hybrid delivery approach without the complexity. By incorporating both in-house and externally sourced IT services, clients can pick the right method of delivery to effectively meet time-to-market, availability and cost requirements. Yet, security concerns and a lack of internal skills continue to challenge organizations’ evolution to the cloud.

Service providers also recognize that a hybrid delivery approach requires new cloud business models that provide consumption and brokerage of technology for their customers in multiple ways. As a result, they need a technology partner that can help them capture this market opportunity.

HP Cloud Solutions, based on HP Converged Infrastructure, provide the hardware, software, services and programs that enable service providers, enterprises and governments to rapidly and securely deliver IT as a service.

“Clients want to understand, plan, build and source for cloud computing in a way that allows them to gain agility, reduce risk, maintain control and ensure security,” said Steve Dietch, vice president, Marketing, Cloud Solutions and Infrastructure, HP. “The new offerings are the culmination of HP’s experience in delivering innovative technology solutions, as well as providing the services and skills needed to drive this evolution.”

HP’s new offerings address the key areas of client needs – building differentiated cloud offerings, consuming cloud services from the public domain, and managing, governing and securing the entire environment.

Building a hybrid environment

As organizations work to achieve an agile service-delivery approach, they must develop, deploy, manage and secure IT services across public and private clouds as well as traditional IT delivery models.

HP continues to expand its cloud ecosystem with new partners, offerings and programs:

New HP CloudSystem integrations with Alcatel-Lucent enable communications services providers to deliver high-value cloud services using carrier-class network and IT. The combination of IT infrastructure, software and telecommunications-grade network lets communications services providers automate the provisioning and management of cloud resources through a highly reliable network.
HP CloudAgile Service Provider Program offers service providers expanded sales reach, an enhanced services portfolio and an accelerated sales cycle through direct access to HP’s global sales force. HP has expanded the program with its first European partners and with new certified hosting options that enable service providers to deliver reliable, secure private hosted clouds based on HP CloudSystem.
HP CloudSystem Matrix 7.0, the core operating environment that powers HP CloudSystem, enables clients to build hybrid clouds with push-button access to externally sourced cloud-based IT resources with the industry’s first out-of-the-box “bursting capability.” This solution also includes automatic, on-demand provisioning of HP 3PAR storage to reduce errors and speed deployment of new services to just minutes.
The comprehensive HP Cloud Protection Program spans people, process, policies and technologies to deliver a comparable level of security for a hybrid cloud as a private internet-enabled IT environment would receive. Addressing one of the biggest hindrances to organizations moving to a cloud environment, the new program includes comprehensive strategy, roadmap, design and implementation services built on a common reference architecture. The program is supported by a Cloud Protection Center of Excellence that enables clients to test HP solutions as well as partner and third-party products that support cloud and virtualization protection.

Consuming enterprise-class cloud services

Organizations need rapid and secure sourcing of compute services that quickly flex to peak demands without excess capital expenditures. New and enhanced HP services that provide a cloud infrastructure as a service to address this need include:

HP Enterprise Cloud Services – Compute now automates distribution of application workloads across multiple servers to improve application performance. Clients also can improve data protection through new backup and restore options while also provisioning and managing additional virtual local area networks within their cloud environment. A new HP proof-of-concept program allows clients to evaluate the service for existing workloads prior to purchase.
HP Enterprise Cloud Services for SAP Development and Sandbox Solution enable clients to evaluate and prototype functionality of SAP Enterprise Resource Planning software via a virtual private cloud, using a flexible, consumption-based model.

Transforming for the cloud era – closing the cloud skills gap

Clients can use HP guidance and training to transform legacy data centers for cloud computing by improving the skills in their organizations. New HP services that address this need include:

Three HP ExpertONE certifications – HP ASE Cloud Architect, HP ASE Cloud Integrator and HP ASE Master Cloud Integrator – which are the first cloud certifications that encompass business and technical content.
Expanded HP ExpertONE program includes five of the industry’s largest independent commercial training organizations that deliver HP learning solutions anywhere in the world. The HP Institute delivers an academic program for developing HP certified experts through traditional two- and four-year institutions, while HP Press has expanded self-directed learning options for clients.
HP Cloud Curriculum from HP Education Services offers course materials in multiple languages covering cloud strategies that have successfully increased enterprise agility and reduced costs. Learning is flexible, with online virtual labs, self study, classroom, virtual classroom and onsite training options offered through more than 90 HP education centers worldwide.
Driven by HP Financial Services, HP Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Cloud Roundtables help CFOs understand the benefits and risks associated with the cloud, while aligning their organizations’ technology and financial roadmaps.
HP Storage Consulting Services for Cloud, encompassing modernization and design, enable clients to understand their storage requirements for private cloud computing as well as develop an architecture that meets their needs.
HP Cloud Applications Services for Windows Azure accelerate the development or migration of applications to the Microsoft Windows® Azure platform-as-a-service offering.

In a world of continuous connectivity, HP Converged Infrastructure is a key element to delivering the Instant-On Enterprise. The Instant-On Enterprise embeds technology in everything it does to serve customers, employees, partners and citizens with whatever they need, instantly.

A recording of the HP DISCOVER Vienna press conference and additional information about HP’s announcements at its premier client event, HP DISCOVER Vienna, is available at www.hp.com/go/optimization2011.

Delcam reseller Les Tech to join Huron Canada celebration

New developments in FeatureCAM will be demonstrated at the Huron Canada celebration.

Delcam’s Québec reseller, Les Tech, will demonstrate the 2012 releases of the PowerMILL CAM system for high-speed and five-axis machining, and FeatureCAM for feature-based programming at the new Huron Canada premises in St. Laurent on 8th December. The occasion will be a double celebration for Huron. As well as being the formal opening its new site, the event will mark the tenth anniversary of the formation of Huron Canada.

The 2012 version of PowerMILL includes a number of new strategies, together with more general enhancements to make programming faster and machining more efficient with the best-possible surface finish. The most important of these new options is flowline machining. With flowline machining, the toolpath is divided between a pair of drive curves in a constant number of passes, rather than having a varying number of passes with a constant stepover. This approach gives a better surface finish on the part and minimizes wear on the cutter and the machine tool.

FeatureCAM 2012 includes a range of enhancements that give faster and easier programming, and produce more efficient toolpaths to give greater machine productivity. Two new strategies are available – back boring and spiral roughing. Back boring allows more parts to be completed in a single set-up, with larger bores able to be produced on the reverse side of the part. Spiral roughing can be used instead of Z-level roughing. It uses a single continuous toolpath instead of a series of levels and so gives a smoother finish with no dwell marks.

Strength for Delcam in Western Region

Leading CADCAM software developer Delcam wrapped up its Advanced Manufacturing Update Technical Seminars last month with two sessions in California, one at SeekTech in San Diego and a second at Selway Tool in Buena Park. As well as featuring the 2012 releases of Delcam’s software, the events allowed the company to introduce its new staff to customers.

Delcam’s VP of Sales for Western United States, Christian Briscoe, commented, "We have added a number of senior account managers over the past year to meet the growing demand for our manufacturing software. We have also expanded our support staff to more than 20 application engineers and strengthened our administrative team. These changes have given us a stronger and more experienced team to serve the western US manufacturing sector.”

Mr. Briscoe continued, "At Delcam, we understand the importance of your investment and believe that you are not just buying CADCAM software but investing in us. Holding our update technical seminars give us the opportunity to show companies the benefits of their investment in Delcam, the world largest specialist CAM provider with the largest development team in the industry.”

Delegates to the meetings saw the new release of Delcam’s PowerSHAPE CAD software for product design, tooling design and reverse engineering. The 2012 version incorporates the first direct modeling capabilities, alongside many improvements to the existing combination of solid, surface and triangle modeling capabilities.

Demonstrated in PowerMILL 2012 was the new flowline machining strategy that divides the toolpath between a pair of drive curves in a constant number of passes, rather than having a varying number of passes with a constant stepover. This produces a better surface finish on the part and minimizes wear on the cutter and the machine tool. Other enhancements include control of the angular point distribution during five-axis machining, new thread milling options and improved workplane editing. It has also been made easier to obtain measurements, including distances, angles and directions, from the part model and enter these values into PowerMILL forms automatically.

Shown in FeatureCAM 2012 was how the software has been made even easier to use. A range of keyboard shortcuts have been added and toolpath editing has been made much easier. Other improvements include further developments in the use of stock models to cover 2D features, including bosses, sides and slots, extra options within the tooling database, the ability to automatically counterbore holes before drilling, fully-automated de-burring and chamfering, the possibility to create a negative leave allowance (such as a fitting allowance) for turning or wire EDM to produce undersized features without remodeling, and much improved performance on the largest part files with hundreds of thousands of entities.

Rand Secure Archive Showcases Data Archive and Retrieval Solution at Autodesk University

Demonstrations of Unique Data Archiving Solution for CAD Community in IMAGINiT Technologies Booth #724.

Rand Worldwide (OTCBB:RWWI), a global leader in providing technology solutions to organizations with engineering design and information technology requirements, today announced that its Rand Secure Archive division is demonstrating specific data archiving solutions for the engineering, building, civil and manufacturing industries that are built upon Autonomy’s IDOL platform.

“We’re excited to be the only company who combines the world renowned Autonomy archive and retrieval technology with experts who have actually worked on design engineering products in the architectural, engineering, construction and manufacturing industries,” says Chris Grossman, vice president, Rand Secure Archive. “As a Rand Worldwide division, we have an in-depth understanding of the electronic data challenges within the design engineering community. In fact, many of our staff previously worked in Rand’s IMAGINiT Technologies division assisting CAD-based organizations on a daily basis. Our unrivalled industry insight pays off in spades when creating a solution that solves the unique archiving and data retention pressures CAD-based organizations face today.”

CAD models, email communications, instant messaging, voicemails, project documentation and scanned information contributes to an ever increasing amount of electronic data. This critical data is growing at a rate of 30-40 percent each year and yet corporate, government and financial policies require that this data be easily searchable and accessible at any time. Combined with an overtaxed IT department, regulatory and corporate governance requirements and tight budgets, smart firms are seeking a formalized, yet cost-effective, solution to archive and retrieve their critical data. CAD-based organizations have an even greater need for data archiving solutions as the models are both large and constantly related to numerous other files.

While there are common data archiving issues across the design engineering community regardless of industry, the experts at Rand Secure Archive with their expertise in the architectural, engineering, construction (AEC) and manufacturing industries, are well equipped to solve the fundamental archiving challenges as well as the toughest, industry specific challenges. The list below highlights some of the frequent challenges unique to those trying to implement an archiving solution in specific industry verticals.

Architecture: Implementing Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the quantity of relational electronic data as well as the introduction of Integrated Product Delivery (IPD) that results in an ecosystem that now includes partners, vendors and the customer that need to share and access project data such as detailed contract information.
Civil: High definition scanning that introduces more data points into BIM models and creates much larger volumes of data that need to be accessed on a 7/24/365 basis.
Manufacturing: Integrating a collaborative design environment that leverages 2D and 3D parametric and non-parametric data combined with a process where partners, vendors and customers participate together across geographies brings new challenges to the forefront. A comprehensive archiving solution provides manufacturers with additional support for the retrieval of information such as warranty and customer service support.

To meet with CAD industry veterans and data archiving and retrieval experts who can discuss an archiving solution that fits your unique needs, or to see a demonstration of the Rand Secure Archive solution based upon globally renowned Autonomy software, please visit Rand Secure Archive in the IMAGINiT Technologies booth (#724) at Autodesk University.

OPEN MIND provides options in latest hyperMILL to further automate NC programming

OPEN MIND Technologies AG provides a series of options in its latest hyperMILL® version to further automate NC programming and make it more productive. This includes intelligent macros and a programming interface (API).

Automation is possible not only in production on the shop floor, but also in connection with CAM programming. OPEN MIND Technologies AG, the CAM software manufacturer from Wessling/Bavaria, provides additional programming tools for this purpose in its new hyperMILL® version.

The renowned feature and macro technology included with hyperMILL® uses geometrical information from the CAD system – so-called features, such as holes and pockets – for further processing in CAM. The recurring machining strategies typical of a feature are combined with tools and technology data, defined as technology macros and that are stored in the macro database.

This way, machining sequences can be prepared quickly and connected easily to the appropriate geometries, and programming steps can be calculated efficiently with a minimum of mouse clicks. Thanks to the new intelligent macros and the generic hole feature, OPEN MIND Technologies is now taking automated programming one step further.

Generic hole feature

The generic hole feature, a newly-developed type of feature, represents a building block in the optimal use of intelligent macros. Holes no longer have to be defined by way of individual features; instead, all holes can now be mapped using just this one feature type. This means the distinction between standard, sink or free holes is not necessary anymore. Nor are settings based on different steps, countersinks or slots necessary. For each step, special properties such as threads or fits can be specified. Since all holes can be defined with one single feature type, more efficient automation for program creation is possible in the second step.

Intelligent macros

By using generic features, different holes can be programmed with a single macro that contains all the possible machining steps using simple IF-THEN queries. When the machining steps are assigned to the various features, the rules are applied to automatically choose between countersinks, threads or fits.

The same rules can also be used for any other feature or machining step. Parameters such as surface, depth, pocket radii, minimum radii, etc., permit unmatched flexibility during the creation and deployment of machining macros for all machining jobs and geometry elements. hyperMILL® automatically adjusts job steps on the basis of these rules and in reference to the geometry information. Holger Max, Service Engineer at OPEN MIND, provides the following example: “Let’s take a hole with a diameter of 8 mm that may have various depths of 6 mm, 14 mm, 30 mm and 120 mm. Depending on how deep the hole is, very different machining approaches may be required. These can now be stored entirely within one macro.”

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

In its new version, hyperMILL® comes with its own programming interface. The interface can be used with all .NET programming languages, including C# and Visual Basic.

This facilitates a wide range of programs with add-on functions, as well as an even larger degree of automation. It is possible to create programs that, similar to configurations, control the entire CAM programming process via algorithms and rules. Without having to open a CAD/CAM system, the user just answers a few questions and programming proceeds automatically.

Nov 29, 2011

Autodesk Hosts 13th Annual 3December Celebration

Celebrates 3D Computer Graphics Worldwide with Live and Virtual Events.

From December 5 to 8, Autodesk Inc., together with the support of HP, AMD and Xsens, will host 3December 2011, the company’s annual celebration of 3D computer graphics and the artists who create them. The event website will be the virtual home for celebrations, providing 3D artists with the opportunity to actively participate through events streamed live, watch free MasterClasses, view Autodesk tutorials and connect with fellow artists in user group meetings held in cities around the world.

3December Live Celebrations

On December 8, Autodesk will host a live event in Montreal, Quebec from 6 to 8 p.m. EST. The event will feature presentations by key artists in the media and entertainment industry highlighting the use of certain Autodesk tools. Modus FX will explain how scenes from the feature films Source Code and Immortals were created using software in Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites. Artists from MOTOR VFX will present how Autodesk 3ds Max, together with Autodesk Softimage and Autodesk Flame Premium software, were used to create and finish commercials shot entirely on blue screen. Digital Dimension/Meduzarts will also hold two presentations about a high resolution print campaign that used 3D to promote Elder Skolls Bethesda and how the Mortal Kombat game cinematic was created. During the event, Autodesk will announce the recipients of the peer-nominated Autodesk Masters Award, as well as the first-ever Autodesk Junior Master Award. The live event will be followed by an Electronic Theatre presentation from the Montreal ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter from 8 to 10 p.m. EST. For the complete list of presentations that will be taking place in Montreal, visit area.autodesk.com/3dec. Registration for the event in Montreal is required and can be completed online.

Live 3December celebrations will also take place in Toronto on Dec. 7 and in Tokyo on December 8. For a complete list of local user group meetings celebrating 3December, visit the event page.

3December Online

Artists are invited to join the virtual celebrations on AREA, the Autodesk online entertainment and visualization community. All presentations and demos from the Montreal event will be livestreamed on AREA TV and will be available on demand. Online content will include free MasterClasses, tutorials, exclusive web features, The Best CG Image of the Year contest and much more.

JSC "Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard" Utilizes MSC Software Structural Analysis to Create the Largest All-Composite Ship Hull

MSC Software Corporation today announced that JSC "Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard" (JSC SNSZ) utilized MSC Software's structural analysis solutions to aid in the creation of the world's largest all-composite ship hull.

The design and manufacturing stages of the hull required complex engineering calculations and simulation tasks. Such simulations performed during the design and manufacturing stages have unique characteristics that include non-traditional hull materials for the shipbuilding industry as well as new manufacturing technologies.

It was important for JSC Sredne-Nevasky Shipyards to work with computer-aided engineering (CAE) software that fully supported the challenging tasks. After evaluating several simulation software products, JSC SNSZ decided on the MSC Nastran, Patran, and Patran Laminate Modeler solutions from MSC Software. A distinctive characteristic of the ship is its all-composite hull that is 70 meters in length and nearly 8 meters in height, which makes it the world's largest hull made of monolithic fiberglass.

On September 22nd, 2011 the vessel keel-laying ceremony took place at the JSC "Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard" for the new-generation ship for the Russia State Marine service.

"With MSC Software's solutions and partnership, we were able to move from physical testing to new virtual test procedures that greatly improved our effectiveness," said Vladimir Seredokho, General Director of JSC SNSZ. "Through our strategic partnership agreement, we hope to further develop our collaboration with MSC Software."

"We are grateful that MSC Software is part of this major achievement of JSC "Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard," said Thomas Keller, Senior Director at MSC Software. "It is a highly innovative project in the shipbuilding industry in terms of material, manufacturing and size."

Geometric to launch CAMWorksXpress at EuroMold 2011

Geometric Limited announces the launch of a new CAM package at a surprisingly affordable price, to address the needs of the home machinist and the new users of 3D CAM software. This new and easy to use CAM package, CAMWorksXpress, will be launched at EuroMold 2011, in Booth # B112, Hall 11.0, from November 29 - December 2, 2011, at the Exhibition Centre, Frankfurt, Germany.

“CAMWorksXpress is an ideal solution for programmers and machinists who are looking for an easy to learn and easy to use 2.5D machining CAM package which is powerful, yet inexpensive. Since CAMWorksXpress incorporates feature based machining and model associativity, it reduces the programming time considerably, giving our customers’ an edge over their competitors", says Mr. Sunil Palrecha, Director - Product Marketing and Sales, Geometric.

CAMWorksXpress runs seamlessly inside SolidWorks, and provides the high powered features required for machining parts efficiently. Features that make CAMWorksXpress a better choice are:

- Reduced learning curve with Seamless single window integration within SolidWorks
- Reduced programming time with automation tools, such as feature based machining
- Reduced rework since design changes in SolidWorks automatically updates toolpaths
- Increased machining productivity with optimized toolpaths
- Generating CNC code in a few clicks
- Importing design models from most common file formats such as IGES, SAT, ACIS, etc.
- Automatic recognition of features on native parts as well as imported part models
- Library of post processors for leading CNC Controllers
- Unlimited upgrade path to CAMWorks – The 1st Gold partner CAM product on SolidWorks

Users have the option to either download a free 30 days evaluation version of CAMWorksXpress or to order directly as an add-on module to SolidWorks from www.camworksxpress.com.

IMAGINIT Partners with Exact-Flat 3D to 2D

Tri-D Technologies, makers of ExactFlat CAD software, announced today that IMAGINiT Technologies, a division of Rand Worldwide (OTC.BB: RWWI.OB - News), is the latest organization to join their growing partner network. ExactFlat products enable customers to convert the most complex 3D CAD models into production-ready 2D flat patterns in just minutes. Integrated with Autodesk Inventor 3D CAD software, ExactFlat extends the power of Autodesk Inventor to solve the 3D flattening problem.

"ExactFlat's 3D-to-2D advanced flattening technology has been used by some of the largest, most demanding and advanced manufacturers for years", said Steven McLendon, Executive Vice President of ExactFlat. "Partnering with IMAGINiT, we're excited to bring our innovative products to a broader base of regional, national and global manufacturers working within the industrial fabrics space."

Working together, ExactFlat and IMAGINiT are demonstrating for customers how they can better leverage their existing technology to keep the entire design and engineering workflow on the desktop - eliminating an expensive and slow manual processes that impact every manufacturer working with industrial fabrics.

"ExactFlat has solved a significant problem in the CAD market", said Bob Heeg, Senior Vice President of Sales at IMAGINiT. "We kept hearing from our customers that solid modeling and surface modeling were disconnected, necessitating a highly-manual, repetitious process that included modeling, draping and digitizing. With ExactFlat, our customers can instantly close this gap inside Autodesk Inventor and drive tremendous efficiencies from 3D CAD right through to the cutting table."

If you're using 3D CAD and you need to create production-ready 2D flat patterns for the cutting table, ExactFlat is the fastest, most accurate and simple way to do it.

-- See a video demo of ExactFlat in action at

AVEVA World North America User Conference

Keynote address will provide an update on new regulatory policies.

AVEVA (LSE:AVV), a leader in engineering design and information management solutions for the plant, power and marine industries will host its 2011 AVEVA World North America User Conference November 29 – December 1 at the Westin New Orleans Canal Place Hotel in New Orleans, LA.

This year’s conference theme is “Joined Up Thinking,” AVEVA’s collaborative concept that enables a more efficient way to design, engineer and build industrial, offshore and marine assets.

The event will give AVEVA software users a chance to meet and speak with fellow delegates across a wide spectrum of industries, and with AVEVA executives and technical experts who will be on hand to answer questions important user issues.

U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Brian R. Khey will deliver the conference keynote address and provide an update on new regulatory policies post the Deep Water Horizon disaster.

In addition, attendees can expect to broaden their experience, foster ideas and convey best practices in technical sessions, hands-on product specialist workshops, case studies and panel discussions covering all AVEVA solutions.

“This is going to be a value-driven event for all concerned”, explained William Muldoon, AVEVA’s Executive Vice President. “The conference will offer delegates a chance to collaborate with their peers. They will learn how others are using our products and services, and build lasting relationships. Ultimately, those attending the conference will walk away with a greater understanding of how AVEVA’s solutions can positively impact their business”.

The AVEVA World North America User Conference targets engineers and designers who operate AVEVA software in Engineering, Procurement and Construction companies (EPCs) and Owner Operators in the plant and marine industries. For more information on the 2011 User Conference, including online registration and agenda, visit the AVEVA World North America events webpage.

Rasterex releases RxView & RxHighlight R13

Rasterex Software, a global leader within document viewing and collaboration, today released version R13.0 of their popular desktop viewers for Windows.

Version R13 is a true 64-bit version. The whole viewing engine and all the file format readers are now ported into 64-bit.

"As more and more companies want to work in a true 64-bit environment, there is an increasing demand for their universal viewer to be a 64-bit application" says Per Christian Lindstad, the CEO of Rasterex Software as. This demand could not be met until a majority of the underlying file formats were available in 64-bit versions. Now, at the end of the autumn 2011, there are only 3-4 of the several hundred file formats that are still not ported into 64-bit. So the time has come to provide our new and existing customer with a 64-bit version of the viewer.

The version is also a major update, providing new feature and enhancements to the software, as well as over 60 general bug fixes.

RxView allows users to view & print more than 250 different file formats - without the design software installed on the machine. CAD drawings, 3D CAD models, plot-files, PDFs, Office documents, raster images and scanned drawings.

RxHighlight is the same software installation as RxView, but through the license file, it opens up for advanced functions like redlining, markup, conversion, batch processes and text search & extraction, for collaboration between team members.

New in version 13.0:
64-bit and 32-bit options:

RxView and RxHighlight R13.0 is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
(Formats supported in 32-bit only: MS Visio, Solid Edge and Solidworks.)
Updated format support:

AutoCAD: 2012
PDF: Adobe Acrobat X (10.0)

Updated 3D formats (licensed separately as optional):

AutoCAD 3D: 2012
Inventor: 2012
SolidWorks: 2011 (32-bit only)
Solid Edge: ST3 (32-bit only)
PRO/E - Creo Elements: V5
Unigraphics: NX7.5
JT: 9.3

New features and enhancements:

All components are compiled using Visual Studio 2010
A selection of markup elements can be exported to an XML or XCM file
Custom data added for makup text elements
XML-based markup files can optionally be exported with RxM-extention
Full user name supported in markup stamps
Added new save format RxP and RxCP, a compressed version of RxC-format
New conversion to RxP (compressed Rasterex Content Format): now available in the untilities menu, new settings in option dialog
Header/footer margins set to minimum printer margins, 0 no longer allowed
Transparent text and images in watermark dialog
The "Settings" ribbon is renamed to "Tools" and batch routines are put under this ribbon
Improvements in memory handling
Batch conversion from PDF to vector formats now possible
Batch conversion from HPGL to PDF vector fixed and now uses "keep vector drawing colors"
60 General bug fixes for AutoCAD DWG, Windows Bitmap, RxC, MicroStation DGN v7, MicroStation DGN v8, DWF 6, DWF 7, Excel, Word, HPGL, JPEG, JPEG2000, ME10/CoCreate, PDF, PDF writer.

Customers under SSA contract have already received the new version. New users can download and try the software for free on Rasterex download page.

Alphacam's Tagging Helps Monoplane-Maker Soar

Those magnificent men with their cutting machines played a significant role in getting other magnificient men their flying machine. A Cambridgeshire woodworking company has produced all the shaped wing struts for the re-creation of a famous early 20th Century monoplane.

A group of model-makers from Basildon came across the story of the Oakington Monoplane which was built in 1909 in an attempt to win a £1,000 prize offered by the Daily Mail for the first circular flight of at least one mile, by an all-British aeroplane. Alfred Grose and Neville Feary constructed the original monoplane in a barn in Oakington, Cambridgeshire. Although it never flew, the story captured the model-makers’ imagination, and they are currently building a full-size working model.

Ironically, the woodworking company chosen to manufacture the birch plywood wing struts was The Cutting Room, sited just 15 miles from Oakington as the crow flies.

Cutting Room partner Mark Durey explains that the market-leading CNC software Alphacam was instrumental in cutting out all the components “as sweet as a nut” on their twin-bed Anderson Duo CNC router which has two heads and eight-station auto tool changers. “We used the Anderson as it has the best vacuum for this type of work.

“While Alphacam was absolutely essential for creating the CNC codes for the toolpaths, a particularly important factor for this project was the software’s Support Tagging procedure. Tagging is a real game-changer for making small accurate components like these wing struts. Without it our job would have been much more difficult.”

He says once they had made sure all the geometric lines on the client’s CAD file were clean and interconnected properly, they decided whether they were going to cut inside or outside the line and then put in the toolpaths to a depth of minus-1mm. “Using the tagging function, we raised the cut for lengths of 15mm in specific areas to about 3mm. Putting a series of these in holds the components steady. I always liken it to how Airfix kit parts are held in place.

“Tagging these components saved us hours over the other more traditional options: making a purpose-built jig, pinning, or onion-skinning. Making jigs is time consuming, pinning tends to spoil the component, and with onion-skinning you’ve got to release each part with a craft knife. Using Alphacam’s tagging feature is much quicker and neater.

“Although we were creating a lot of small parts, using tagging effectively makes them one large part, which ensures absolute accuracy and increases the cutting speed.

“The more accurately we can work, the better. And that’s what Alphacam gives us. It means we’re working to perfection. In the office we work to perfection on the programming, then in ‘real life’ when it gets to the machine, it’s also perfect.”

Although The Cutting Room used their Anderson Duo, they could just as easily have transferred the job to their SCM Record 220 or SCM Routomat 3. The Anderson handles most of their contract work, with the Routomat 3 used mainly for kitchen doors – which is a large part of their business – and the Record mainly for 3D work and some overspill from the other two.

“Another distinct advantage of Alphacam, is that its programs can be transferred to any of our machines. We can produce a program for one machine and within a minute it can be transferred to another. We’ve got all our post processors which I can readily tweak. We’d be nowhere without Alphacam, we’re so embedded with it now.”

Supermicro(R) Exhibits Its SuperWorkstation Product Line at Autodesk University

Solutions Target Full Range of Workloads From High-End Ray Tracing to Entry-Level Design and Modeling.

Super Micro Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI - News), a global leader in high-performance, high-efficiency server technology innovation and green computing, is premiering its lineup of SuperWorkstation solutions for the Autodesk community at Autodesk University 11/29-12/1 in Las Vegas at the Venetian Hotel, booth (#537). These application optimized server-grade systems are designed to run 24/7 providing professionals high-availability and easy maintenance with tool-less designs incorporating hot-swappable HDDs or SSDs, optical drives and cooling subsystems.

"Our SuperWorkstations offer the widest array of high-performance CPU and GPU options and are powered by Supermicro's innovative, high-efficiency power supplies. They also feature whisper-quiet cooling subsystems making them ideal for use in desktop environments," said Don Clegg, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development at Supermicro. "Design and creative professionals attending AU '11 will experience how Supermicro's SuperWorkstations deliver exceptional performance and efficiency with unbeatable value."

At the top end, Supermicro will exhibit its Ultra High Performance 4 GPU SuperWorkstation (SS7046TG-TRF) showcasing the iray renderer within Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2012 delivering fully interactive photorealistic ray-tracing. Leveraging a state of the art design, the SS7046TG-TRF utilizes the raw power of dual Intel® Xeon® E5600/5500 CPUs, up to 192GB of memory, a NVIDIA® Quadro® 6000 and 3x NVIDIA Tesla® C2075s to enable 3ds Max users to setup scenes, apply materials, and establish lighting, leading to stunning photorealistic results in a fraction of the time relative to past workflows. After each change, the image progressively refines allowing for faster iterations and artistic exploration. The overall performance and speed delivered by this system unleashes users' full creative potential.

Supermicro will also demo its mainstream SuperWorkstation (SW5036A-T) running Autodesk Inventor® and Navisworks®. This system supports an Intel Xeon W3600/3500 series processor to maximize performance and integrates dual NVIDIA Quadro GPUs along with hot-swappable storage. Today's engineers face challenges in design, analysis, visualization, and manufacturing. Their 3D applications need high-performance hardware that can support multiple tasks simultaneously. Supermicro's SW5036A-T will demonstrate its full capacity to support multiple disciplines/activities that users encounter when working with various CAD applications.

For lighter workloads, Supermicro's entry-level SuperWorkstation (SW5037A-T) will be running Autodesk AutoCAD® 2012. This compact workstation combines Sandy Bridge based Intel Core™ i7/i5/i3 processor support with the NVIDIA Quadro GPU delivering exceptional performance to the AutoCAD user at a cost effective price. With the SW5037A-T, AutoCAD users can load large complex 3D models, explore various visual styles while maintaining superior image quality and spin the models without any loss of detail or interactivity.

Supermicro's SuperWorkstations are available through system integrators, value-added resellers and distributors throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. All products in the SuperWorkstation series come with a three-year warranty. For additional information, visit the Supermicro website at www.supermicro.com/superworkstations.

PTC to Speak at the NASDAQ OMX 27th Investor Program On Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

PTC (Nasdaq: PMTC ), The Product Development Company®, today announced that management will speak at the NASDAQ OMX 27th Investor Program in London on Tuesday, December 6th at 11:30am (ET).

What: PTC to present at the NASDAQ OMX 27th Investor Program

When: Tuesday, December 6th at 11:30am (ET)

Webcast: www.ptc.com/for/investors.htm

Replay: The audio replay of this event will be archived for public replay until 4:00 pm (CT) on December 9, 2011. To access the replay via webcast, please visit www.ptc.com/for/investors.htm.

Please note that statements made at the conference are as of the date of the conference and PTC does not assume any obligation to update any statements made live or the archived call. Matters discussed may include forward-looking statements about PTC’s anticipated financial results and growth, as well as about the development of products and markets, which are based on current plans and assumptions. Actual results in future periods may differ materially from current expectations due to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those described from time to time in reports filed by PTC with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including PTC’s most recent reports on Form 10-Q and Form 10-K.

IMAGINiT Technologies Launches Enhanced ProductivityNOW Portal- The CAD Industry's Premiere Portal

Portal designed to be destination of choice for Autodesk users who seek industry expertise, support, software tools and community.

Rand Worldwide (OTCBB: RWWI), a global leader in providing technology solutions to organizations with engineering design and information technology requirements, today announced its IMAGINiT Technologies division is launching a new ProductivityNOW portal (portal.imaginit.com) – a new, custom built industry portal geared to maximize the productivity of anyone using Autodesk software and Autodesk complementary technologies.

“We’re always working hard to improve the customer experience and give our customers a unique value proposition that they just can’t find anywhere else,” says Bill Zavadill, senior vice president, IMAGINiT Worldwide Services, IMAGINiT Technologies. “The ProductivityNOW portal is the perfect combination of insight from our 85 technical experts, eLearning expertise from ASCENT, downloadable utilities from our software development team, and the knowledge from our global support team combined in one easy to use tool. Add an engaged community to this and it’s really the only destination you need for everything for CAD.”

Access to the portal is open for anyone to explore, regardless of whether they are discovering IMAGINiT for the first time or long-time, loyal customers. The online portal offers unrivalled value with added enhancements based on a tiered subscription system where IMAGINiT customers receive additional privileges. Custom built from the ground up, and tied to the users’ desire to learn, the ProductivityNOW portal contains five major components:

Technical Resources: An unmatched assortment of multi-media content including helpful tips & tricks, eSeminars, Webcast recordings, whitepapers, external links to key sites, and more.

Support: Support customers can search IMAGINiT’s growing knowledgebase for answers, log support tickets and review current or search past cases for answers. Customers who have an Autodesk Subscription through IMAGINiT can see details of their Subscription data and manage it accordingly.

Utilities: IMAGINiT’s 16 powerful software utilities that advance your abilities when working with Autodesk software are available for complimentary download for IMAGINiT’s Autodesk Subscription customers. Utilities include IMAGINiT Utilities for Autodesk Revit, IMAGINiT AutoOffset and more.

eLearning: Powered by ASCENT, an Autodesk Official Training Guide provider, the robust eLearning component offers an unparalleled number of user quizzes, assessments and educational curricula including more than 750 instructional videos. Content is served up in a variety of formats to match different learning styles.

Community: Designed specifically to maximize engagement, members are encouraged to interact with fellow members and IMAGINiT experts through discussion forums, blogs, polls and more.

ProductivityNow Fast Facts:

750 instructional videos embedded in the eLearning curriculum
550 support knowledge cases that customers can search to solve problems
175 video tips, tricks, webcasts, eSeminars
70 eCourses available across all verticals for multiple release years
61 whitepapers
21 eCourses on Autodesk 2012 products
16 utilities from IMAGINiT’s software development team
5 IMAGINiT and ASCENT blogs

ProductivityNOW Portal Pricing:

Accessible by everyone, the online portal offers unrivalled value with a wealth of information free of charge. Additional content enhancements are available on a tiered subscription system and some content is exclusive to IMAGINiT customers. Anyone can access select whitepapers and view blogs, RSS feeds, helpful links and compiled Autodesk resources for free:

IMAGINiT customers receive additional access to the portal depending on their support or subscription relationship with IMAGINiT
Non-IMAGINiT customers can purchase memberships with a range of access and support and eLearning options from $395 to $695

Proto Labs Chooses Innovative RoughRider® Wheelchair as Latest Cool Idea

Active wheelchair users will be excited to learn that Proto Labs has chosen Whirlwind Wheelchair International as the latest recipient of its Cool Idea! Award. Proto Labs – the leading online and technology-enabled manufacturer of quick-turn prototype and short-run parts – will help the company launch its innovative RoughRider wheelchair to the U.S. market.

The RoughRider was originally designed for those with disabilities in developing countries as a low-cost, highly durable wheelchair that can handle rough terrain with ease. The RoughRider combines a revolutionary long wheelbase with a unique, high-impact/high-flotation wheel to allow users to safely descend curbs and short flights of stairs and to easily traverse obstacles in their path.

Proto Labs identified the RoughRider, now in use in more than 40 countries, as a good candidate for the Cool Idea! Award amid growing U.S. demand for the product. U.S. riders seeking a more active lifestyle value the chair’s performance and rugged durability, and began asking when it would be available. In preparation for the release to a mainstream U.S. audience, the RoughRider underwent a redesign with the addition of lightweight side panels to make it better looking and customizable, something U.S. customers will love. As a Cool Idea! Award recipient, Proto Labs provided Whirlwind Wheelchair International with the key side panels needed for an initial U.S. launch.

“We wanted to recognize Whirlwind Wheelchair International’s response to the demand for their product outside of the developing countries they had been serving. They were able to improve upon the existing model to accommodate wheelchair riders in the U.S. who are accustomed to the luxury of high-end chairs, while still keeping the design that allows for off-road experiences intact,” said Proto Labs Founder and CTO Larry Lukis. “The RoughRider is a great example of trickle-up innovation and something that perfectly fits the innovative spirit of the Cool Idea! Award.”

"Scores of wheelchair riders in the U.S. have inquired about purchasing the RoughRider specifically for off-pavement adventures that are difficult with U.S. style wheelchairs," said Whirlwind Wheelchair Founder Ralf Hotchkiss. "Entering the U.S. market at this time will provide Whirlwind with a wealth of critical feedback from well-informed consumers, and may raise enough funds to do much-needed development of the innovations coming in from riders in developing countries. Besides, some U.S. riders who have ridden the Rough Rider had so much fun that they would love to get one for themselves. We will do whatever is necessary to make this happen."

The RoughRider wheelchair has received critical support, both from within the wheelchair riding community, and from former President Bill Clinton at a Walkabout Foundation Benefit.

The Cool Idea! Award is a new program offered by Proto Labs that gives product designers the opportunity to bring innovative products to life. Whirlwind Wheelchair International is the third recipient, with additional award winners to be named. During 2011, Proto Labs will provide an aggregate of up to $100,000 worth of prototyping and short-run production services to award recipients. For more information, visit www.protolabs.com/coolidea.

Cimatron to seek court approval for cash distributions to shareholders

Cimatron Limited (NASDAQ and TASE: CIMT) today announced that its Board of Directors has approved, subject to Israeli court approval, the distribution to Cimatron shareholders of up to US$10 million. The distribution may be effected over the course of a 12 month period following the approval of the court, subject to subsequent Board approval of specific payments out of the total potential distribution amount, and subject to certain approvals from the Israeli Tax Authority that the company intends to seek.

Under Israeli law, a company such as Cimatron with practically no distributable earnings (within the meaning of such term under Israeli law) is required to obtain approval from the court for a cash distribution to its shareholders, which can instead be made from additional paid-in capital. The company intends to shortly file an application with the Israeli court for the requisite approval. There is no guarantee that the court will approve the distribution on the terms requested by Cimatron, or at all.

Cimatron also intends to seek certain approvals from the Israeli Tax Authority prior to commencing any actual distribution. Prior to any specific distribution, Cimatron will issue a press release announcing the exact distribution amount, record date and distribution date.

"Our steady cash flows from operations, as well as free cash flows, make a cash distribution from our additional paid-in capital a good vehicle to unlock value to our shareholders." remarked Yossi Ben-Shalom, Cimatron's Chairman of the Board of Directors. "We hope to obtain the necessary approvals and commence distribution as soon as practicable."

3Dconnexion Announces its Newest 3D Mouse - the SpaceMouse Pro

3Dconnexion today announced the SpaceMouse™ Pro – its newest 3D mouse for professional 3D software users working in a range of industries from mechanical engineering to media and entertainment, product design, architecture, and healthcare. SpaceMouse Pro combines 3Dconnexion's patented six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) sensor for intuitive and precise 3D navigation with an advanced ergonomic design and innovative On-screen Display, to deliver superior comfort and a simpler, more productive workflow.

"3D mice revolutionize the way people interact with digital 3D content," said Antonio Pascucci, vice president of products, 3Dconnexion. "We are committed to developing products that meet the needs of 3D users. SpaceMouse Pro provides a professional 3D navigation experience, enabling users to better understand their 3D content, while its new advanced ergonomic design ensures a comfortable working experience."

The SpaceMouse Pro 3D mouse is an easy-to-use, professional solution with advanced features, including:

Professional Navigation: The patented six-degrees-of-freedom sensor provides intuitive 3D navigation while five QuickView keys offer one-touch access to 12 view combinations – top, right, front, and 90-degree rotation.
Advanced Ergonomic Design: SpaceMouse Pro ensures a balanced and comfortable workflow with full-size, soft-coated hand rest and fifteen large, tactile and easy-to-locate buttons.
Application Control: Four large, fully customizable Intelligent Function Keys provide fingertip access to frequently used application commands while the new On-screen Display provides visual feedback on function key assignment. In addition, SpaceMouse Pro's Keyboard Modifiers provide convenient access to Control, Shift, Alt, Esc functions.

3Dconnexion will be demonstrating the SpaceMouse Pro in booth #136 at Autodesk University 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1.

Compatibility, Pricing and Availability

The SpaceMouse Pro is backed by a three-year warranty, and is currently available at a suggested retail price of $299. The SpaceMouse Pro is supported by Windows 7, Vista®, XP, Mac OS 10.4.6 or later, Sun Solaris 8 (SPARC), Sun Solaris 10 (x86/x64), and Linux® (Redhat Enterprise Linux WS 4, SuSE 9.3 or later).

The entire 3Dconnexion product line, including the Professional Series with the SpacePilot™ Pro (MSRP $399), SpaceMouse Pro and SpaceExplorer (MSRP $299), and the Standard Series with the SpaceNavigator (MSRP $99) and SpaceNavigator for Notebooks (MSRP $129), are available from professional CAD resellers and major online resellers including CDW, Insight, PC Connection, and PC Mall. For additional information, visit www.3Dconnexion.com.

Oce Solutions Showcased at Autodesk University 2011 Help AEC Users Streamline Operations, Improve Workflow

Oce, a Canon Group Company and an international leader in digital document management, will display its large format print solutions designed to meet the wide format technical document print needs of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) users during Autodesk University 2011, November 29 – December 1 in Las Vegas, NV. Attendees who visit the Oce booth (#123) will see first-hand the Oce ColorWave® 300 system, the world's first integrated large format, single-footprint system for color and monochrome printing, copying and scanning; the Oce ColorWave® 600 solid toner mid-volume printer; and Oce PlotWave® 300 monochrome, single footprint system.

"The AEC industry is constantly looking to improve productivity while reducing operational costs, and there is tremendous opportunity to do so with today's advanced wide format printing solutions," said Sal Sheikh, Vice President, Marketing, Oce Wide Format Printing division of Oce North America. "The Oce solutions on display at Autodesk University deliver economical wide format monochrome and color CAD printing for AEC firms in order to improve accuracy and workflow, better enabling them to finish projects on time and under budget."

Large Format Solutions Streamline Operations, Leverage the Value of Color

The use of color in CAD documents encourages faster, more accurate decision-making and helps reduce the risk of misinterpretation, lowering the potential for mistakes in both the early approval phases and throughout the entire project lifecycle. Color can improve communications between AEC team members, reduce mistakes and rework, speed project completion and reduce construction delays. The Oce large format printing systems on display at Autodesk University are designed to make it easy and economical for AEC companies to incorporate advanced, multifunction printing solutions into their operations.

All-in-One Innovation to Leverage the Power of Color

The Oce ColorWave 300 multifunction printer system is an integrated large format, single-footprint system for color and monochrome printing, copying and scanning. Now, AEC firms no longer have to invest in separate systems for printing large format color and monochrome documents, making the jump to color more economical. This all-in-one color printing system fits into small, compact spaces and is designed to handle customer requirements in low- to mid-volume technical applications, both decentralized and departmental. The system also features a Top Delivery Tray that stacks many types of inkjet media on top of the printer, reducing space requirements to a minimum.

The Oce ColorWave 600 printer uses unique Oce CrystalPoint® technology to produce high-quality prints on lower cost plain and recycled paper. This technology combines the best of both toner and inkjet printing in one device for high speed, high production color toner printing on uncoated paper, matte film, and even Tyvek® for waterproof outdoor use. Blending the best of both technologies allows AEC professionals to re-think the way they approach color printing. The Oce ColorWave 600 printer enables users to produce color prints quickly and easily with zero drying time for instantly usable prints.

Compact, Durable All-in-One Monochrome System

The Oce PlotWave 300 all-in-one, large format monochrome print system is ideal for firms that need a print/copy/scan system that fits into small spaces plus is intuitive and economical to operate. The system incorporates Oce Radiant Fusing technology, the most efficient way to fuse toner onto paper, with benefits such as no warm-up time, half the energy use of comparable systems, and virtually no ozone emissions - all while maintaining superior image quality for even the most complex documents. It also includes features such as a built-in USB flash drive for printing and scanning at the system, an output delivery tray on the top of the machine, air separation to prevent prints from curling, and a scroll and click panel and smart buttons that make it easy to use for both experienced and new walk-up users.

Product Availability

All of the systems on display during Autodesk University are available now. For more information, call Oce at 800-714-4427 or visit www.oceusa.com.

Stiefelmayer to show Delcam's new clay-milling software at Euromold

Leading metrology company, Stiefelmayer, will demonstrate Delcam’s new clay-milling software for coordinate measuring machines, PI-ClayMILLING, on Hall 8, Stand A98 at the Euromold exhibition to be held in Frankfurt from 29th November to 2nd December.

The novel combination of CMM and software for machining is intended primarily for use in automotive styling but could also have applications in other industries that use clay models for design reviews. The CMM can be used as a multi-purpose tool for inspection, marking out and milling, when operated with PowerINSPECT and the new PI-ClayMILLING software.

Depending on the size of the CMM, PI-ClayMILLING allows the designer to machine a complete car body or sections of the design. The design can be re.-machined using digitised curves or scan data

The new software is based on Delcam’s PowerMILL CAM system for high-speed and five-axis machining. However, it features a completely new interface that gives the system the same look and feel as Delcam’s PowerINSPECT inspection software. This has been supplied by Stiefelmayer for many years, so existing customers will find the software very easy to learn.

PI-ClayMILLING has been developed specifically for the production of styling models and comprises a number of templates for the machining techniques that are needed in these applications, such as raster machining, Z-level area clearance and rest finishing. The full range of PowerMILL strategies is available in the background so additional templates can be created if required, either by an expert user in the company or by Delcam’s support team.

The use of templates provides very simple methods for users to take advantage all the benefits of PowerMILL, including multi-threading on multi-core hardware for faster calculation times and 64-bit support for easier processing of large, complex models. The clay milling software can use all of the data translation options available for PowerMILL and PowerINSPECT, including standard formats, such as IGES, STEP and VDA, and direct translators for leading design software like CATIA, Siemens NX and Autodesk. Similarly, the software can use the process visualisation from PowerINSPECT to check the toolpaths on the computer before sending them to the CMM.

Stefan Schneider, Metrology Specialist at Delcam GmbH, has worked with Stiefelmayer to develop and test the PI-ClayMILLING software. "CMMs have been used in design studios for more than twenty years,” he commented. "By using our new software with the latest CMMs, we can add extra capabilities to this equipment.”

Moon Express Designs and Engineers Lunar Mission With Autodesk Software

Moon Express, a Google Lunar X PRIZE contender, announced today that it has selected Autodesk design software to develop commercial lander and robotic systems for lunar exploration.

Taking the main stage before more than 8,000 attendees at Autodesk University 2011, Edwin "EJ" Sabathia of the "Moon Express Robotics Lab for Innovation" (MERLIN) unveiled lunar micro-rovers designed with Autodesk software. EJ was one of eight student robotics engineers hired by Moon Express in September from a team of the nations' brightest engineering students. MERLIN is utilizing Autodesk design software for developing robotic technology supporting the company's lunar exploration missions.

The micro-rovers, named "ARTHUR" and "ROBERT" after the famous science fiction authors Arthur C. Clarke and Robert A. Heinlein , are two-wheeled multi-purpose designs capable of exploring the lunar surface, capturing stereo HD images and video, and carrying scientific payloads.

"We are extremely pleased to have Autodesk by our side as we reach for the Moon," said company Founder and CEO Bob Richards . "Apollo was designed by engineers in their twenties that were backed by the time's world superpowers. Today's technology allows small teams to tackle complex problems and makes every engineer a superpower."

"Autodesk tools are used to help solve some of the world's daunting design and engineering challenges," said Autodesk Vice President and CTO Jeff Kowalski . "We are very excited about empowering the creative energy of Moon Express engineers with Autodesk design technology by allowing them to conceptualize and simulate their designs before they are real."

Moon Express also announced "The Moon is ME" Lunar Mining Design Competition as a global challenge to design lunar mining tools that the MERLIN rovers can utilize to acquire and transport lunar samples containing valuable metals and minerals. The competition is global and open to students as well as professional designers using Autodesk software. The top designs will be prototyped and demonstrated in a field test competition at Moon Express facilities at the NASA Research Park in Silicon Valley. The winning prize design will be funded by the company for potential test and demonstration on the Moon.