Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc. has announced the availability of the 2012 version of its award-winning Vectorworks® line of design software, including: Vectorworks Designer, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals and Renderworks®.
"With the Vectorworks 2012 products, we continue to deliver the tools designers require to succeed in meeting complex design challenges, whether they work in the field of architecture, landscape or entertainment design," said Stewart Rom, Nemetschek Vectorworks' Chief Marketing Officer. "We value the feedback we receive from our users, and we've taken their wishes into account to further improve the usability and performance of our software."
The powerful enhancements found in the Vectorworks 2012 products will save designers time and increase their productivity. The software's intuitive interface allows users to easily conceptualize their designs, while innovative, flexible tools let them document their plans and easily collaborate with best-in-class open BIM workflows.
"This release reinforces our position as a leader in 3D technology within the AEC marketplace," says Dr. Biplab Sarkar, Chief Technology Officer of Nemetschek Vectorworks. "I'm proud of the many improvements our development team has achieved with this version, particularly those related to BIM, GIS and rendering. Macintosh users will also be happy to know that Vectorworks 2012 software is fully compatible with OS X Lion."
The 2012 version of Vectorworks software delivers several major improvements, including:
Enhanced 3D modeling: The software now examines the model under the cursor and sets the working plane automatically, removing the general need for users to manually set working planes. This planar autosensing is also the basis for the new 3D dimensioning feature. Other 3D modeling features include instant access to push/pull functionality after profile object creation and also reshape improvements.
Improved Building Information Modeling (BIM) capabilities: The new stories feature allows design layers to be dynamically and vertically referenced to named story elevations. Story-aware objects like walls, columns, slabs and stairs can span across stories and update with story elevation changes. Plus, improvements to wall component joining, insulation fills, spaces, stairs, walls and windows all increase the ability to design intelligently and efficiently. Enhancements to Vectorworks Architect 2012 software also further strengthen Nemetschek Vectorworks' commitment to interoperability. Support of the open BIM file standard, Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), has been greatly improved. IFC import now has higher-fidelity geometry from imported elements, and IFC space objects are translated into native Vectorworks space objects.
Integration of building and site: Vectorworks 2012 software marries building and site design and is the first package to combine a complete BIM modeler with extensive Geographic Information System (GIS) capabilities (available in the Vectorworks Architect, Landmark and Designer applications). Now users can store georeferenced information on each Vectorworks design layer, transform geometry to a different map projection or georeferenced coordinate system and enjoy improved shapefile import and export functions.
Best integrated renderer: Improvements to the Renderworks rendering application include the introduction of Renderworks Styles, which can be re-used and shared among team members. In addition, users will enjoy significantly improved OpenGL shadows and better solar animations with the new Heliodon object.
More than 100 performance and usability improvements: This release addresses user requests such as a new 2D X-ray fills mode, faster viewport navigation, new custom color options for backgrounds, faster access to frequently used settings, coincident selection, streamlined polyline arc editing, offset improvements, improved wheel zooming and others. This version also offers designers the ability to generate hidden lines between intersecting geometry and, in the Design Series products, to modify objects by record value.
New features in the Vectorworks Landmark and Spotlight applications: This version of the Vectorworks Landmark program includes improved stake objects with better visual representation and data information on the drawing, better control over hardscape creation, a new option to convert between boundary and path configurations and the ability to specify different pattern sizes for grid and running pavers. The Vectorworks 2012 Spotlight application features a more intuitive way to focus instruments, as well as a new soft goods object that enables the creation of curtain, border and pipe-and-drape assemblies.
Sep 13, 2011
The Vectorworks 2012 Product Line Offers Increased Efficiency and Productivity
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