Delcam will show the latest versions of its OrthoModel and OrthoMill software for, respectively, the design and manufacture of custom orthotic insoles, at the MidWest Podiatry Conference in Chicago from 3rd to 6th March.
Delcam will also demonstrate its iQube 3D scanner to capture data for the design of orthotics. The scanner can be used to capture data directly from the patient’s foot, either in weight-on, weight-off or semi-weight-bearing modes. It can also be used to scan casts or foam-box impressions. The scan data can then be sent to the laboratory that will manufacture the orthotic, along with a prescription, so eliminating the costs and time delays associated with delivering casts or foam boxes around the country or even internationally.
Both Delcam’s software and the i-Qube scanner help to increase productivity, profitability and patient satisfaction, in all cases where orthotics are required. They are developed in association with laboratories, podiatrists and orthotists from around the world, coupled with Delcam’s knowledge of footwear design and manufacture gained from its relationships with leading brands such as Nike and Reebok. They replace the expensive, slow and messy casting process with a simple, non-contact digital solution.
The main advantage of the Delcam software is that it allows much faster manufacture of all types of orthotic, so enabling the patient to benefit from the device more quickly. This is especially important when a series of orthotics is required as the patient moves along a treatment path. It is much easier to adjust the computer data, rather than regularly recasting designs from the patient’s foot.
The major enhancement in the 2011 version of OrthoModel gives greater control over the shape of the orthotic in cases where a full-contact device is needed, for example, for patients with diabetes. The user can specify a number of cross-sections across the sole of the foot and fine tune the profile of the orthotic at each section to give a perfect match.
The new functionality complements the existing shaping tools that allow whole-model editing of the standard designs supplied with the software to make them suitable for individual patients.
Improvements to OrthoMill reflect the recent enhancements to Delcam’s PowerMILL engineering CAM system on which it is based. These include support for the latest hardware developments, such as 64-bit operation, multi-threading and background processing, that can significantly reduce calculation times.
Jan 10, 2011
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